Letter To The Editor On Dowry System

Letter To The Editor On Dowry System

Edited By Shireen Dargan | Updated on Mar 22, 2023 10:45 AM IST

We write letters for many reasons, such as to express our opinions or concerns, to provide feedback or comments, to request information or assistance, to apply for jobs or schools, to thank someone, or to communicate with others.

Letters are a form of written communication that can be used to convey a message in a more formal or personal manner than other forms of communication, such as emails or texts. They can be addressed to individuals, organisations, businesses, or public officials.

Letters can also be a way to document a conversation or agreement and can serve as a record for future reference. Overall, writing letters can be an effective way to communicate important information, express ourselves, and make our voices heard.

Letter To The Editor On Dowry System: Sample 1

Sender's Address


The Editor

Name of the Newspaper/Magazine

Address of the Newspaper/Magazine

City, State

Pin code

Subject: [Title of your letter]

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my deep concern about the dowry system prevalent in our society. Despite the progress we have made as a nation, this age-old tradition still persists in many parts of the country and continues to inflict suffering on countless families.

The dowry system is a practice in which the groom or his family demands money or material possessions from the bride’s family as a condition of marriage. It not only violates the principles of equality and justice but also puts immense financial and emotional pressure on the bride's family. In many cases, the demands for dowry are accompanied by threats, violence, and harassment, which can lead to tragic consequences such as dowry deaths.

This practice not only perpetuates gender inequality but also undermines the sanctity of marriage, which should be based on love, respect, and mutual trust. It also perpetuates social stratification and discrimination against women, who are seen as inferior and as commodities to be bought and sold.

It is high time that we take a strong stand against the dowry system and work towards its eradication. This can be achieved through various means such as education, awareness campaigns, and strict enforcement of laws against dowry. Families, religious leaders, and community members must be engaged in efforts to change attitudes and promote gender equality.

I urge your esteemed publication to use its platform to raise awareness about the harmful effects of the dowry system and to promote gender equality and justice. Let us work together to create a society where every individual is treated with respect and dignity, and where the values of love, compassion, and mutual respect prevail.


[Your Name]

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Letter To The Editor On Dowry System: Sample 2

Sender's Address


The Editor

Name of the Newspaper/Magazine

Address of the Newspaper/Magazine

City, State

Pin code

Subject: [Title of your letter]

Dear Editor,

I am writing to raise awareness about the harmful effects of the dowry system, which continues to be a prevalent issue in our society. The dowry system is a practice where the family of the bride is expected to provide a substantial amount of money or property to the groom's family as a condition of the marriage.

This practice has had devastating effects on the lives of many women and their families. It perpetuates the idea that a woman is a burden and an economic liability, and it reinforces gender inequality. Many women are subjected to physical and emotional abuse by their husbands and in-laws if they fail to meet the demands for a dowry. In some cases, women are even killed for their inability to fulfill these demands.

It is essential that we take action to put an end to this harmful practice. It is not just a matter of tradition or culture, but a violation of human rights. It is imperative that we raise awareness about the negative consequences of the dowry system and work towards eradicating it.

We can start by educating our communities and speaking out against this practice. Families should be encouraged to empower their daughters through education and support, rather than putting them at risk of exploitation and abuse through the dowry system. The government should also take strong measures to enforce laws against the practice and provide support for victims.

Let us work together to create a society that values and respects women, free from the harmful effects of the dowry system.


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