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Low Risk Career in Medical Domain in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

Low Risk Career in Medical Domain in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 12, 2024 10:48 AM IST

With the rise of automation and AI trends, you must be thinking about whether our jobs will be there or robots will take them away. If your job is not repetitive, routine level and predictable, then you need not worry about it. In the world of automation and advanced technology, choosing a career that has future scope is much more important. As 30 per cent of tasks in 60 per cent of occupations can be computerised and up to 30 per cent of current work hours will be automated. However, this is not the case with all careers.

In today's technology revolution, the transformation is much faster. There is a scope for some careers or jobs that cannot replace humans, as robots do not have social skills, interpersonal relationships, emotional intelligence, flexibility, and others. Humans have these characteristics or skills to carry out every work flexibly, especially that which requires a human touch. Technology is getting advanced and can recreate human characteristics but it can not replace or copy human emotional understanding.

Although artificial intelligence (AI) has replaced humans with many jobs there are some jobs or positions that require a human touch and can be done only with the help of human beings. In this article, we will discuss some of the jobs or careers that are threat-less from automation and cannot be replaced by AI or automation.



A Doctor is a professional who strives to restore the health of his or her patients and provides surgical, therapeutic care and medical care to the patients. He or she treats his or her patient's disorders, disease, and allergies by providing medication and using several methods. The Doctor also performs surgeries on patients for tumours in internal organs. This career requires mental, emotional, and flexibility to perform the duties, therefore a robot or AI automation can not do these tasks.

Mental Health Counsellor

A Mental Health Counsellor is a career that is completely related to dealing with the thoughts, emotions, and behaviour of people. A Mental Health Counsellor helps people to come out of their stress, depression, anxiety, fear, and others by counselling or having a conversation with them and consoling them.

Physician Assistants

A Physician Assistant provides support to keep healthcare facilities organised. Patients keep healthcare facilities organised. by providing and keeping healthcare facilities organised. He or she requires to document everything about the patient and prepares and sterilises the medical equipment for further use.


A career as a Nurse is an important role in the healthcare industry as he or she provides support to people in need of medical treatment and works closely with doctors. He or she maintains medical records, secures a clean and hygienic environment for patients, secures safe operation of facilities, and does medical tests.

Occupational Therapist

An occupational or permanent disability to carry out everyday tasks independently with or without using assistive equipment. He or she helps people, depending on the job setting he or she is doing. An Occupational Therapist creates an environment for his or her patient, reviews medical history, plans treatments, teaches or demonstrates exercises to his or her patient, and educates the patient's family about what kind of care should be taken. Hence, this career may not be replaced by AI or automation as this career deals with emotion and builds relationships with patients that cannot be done by AI.


Physiotherapist is a professional who helps people affected by injury, and disability in movement. He or she helps them to exercise, does manual therapy, educates and advises on the best ways to improve, and helps them to restore their physical movement by providing treatments. A Physiotherapist designs the treatment plans and uses different techniques to cure the illness or disability.


An Audiologist is a professional who identifies the disorders of hearing and manages those disorders. He or she helps patients with selecting hearing aids and other listening devices. An Audiologist provides education to the patients on various hearing devices and researches management of loss, balance system dysfunction, tinnitus and other such related issues. Therefore this career is safe from automation, as robots or humanoids will not be able to do the work of the audiologist.


Technology advancement has boosted market productivity in almost every industry which brings fear among people or employees that robots and AI will impact the labour market. In spite of technological advancement and automation, humans excel over robots in social intelligence, creative intelligence and dexterity of human senses.

Artificial Intelligence is unable to perform tasks that are not designed and fail to do natural things as humans do. The above-mentioned careers require the human touch and are at low risk of automation and artificial intelligence.


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There are many options that you can consider in PCMB stream that offer high job packages and are less likely to be replaced by Artificial Intelligence.

  • Mechanical Engineering- industries like these, which involves automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing, less likely to be fully replaced by AI due to the complexity of tasks that are involved in them. Same goes for Electrical and Electronics Engineering also.
  • Civil Engineering: The stream offers high paying project and requires human decision-making which is a great career option.
  • Medicine: One the most popular field in PCMB can be a great career option too. it also involves direct patient care and complex decision-making that AI cannot entirely replace.
  • Environmental Engineering-Again a different and promising career option. It requires human intervention and cannot be overtaken by AI.
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