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Low Risk Careers in Engineering Domain in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Low Risk Careers in Engineering Domain in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 14, 2024 03:28 PM IST

In the technology era everything is becoming automatic, making our lives much easier and comfortable. But how much will it be helpful for employment, or in other words how much is it risky for the labour market or employees? The automation trend or revolution has been started and developing day by day in every industry be it in medicine, engineering, or any other fields. The use of machines, automation, and artificial intelligence is more profitable as it has some of the benefits such as it reduces the human labour, saves time and provides accurate work and others.

With the Automation or AI (artificial intelligence) benefits, there are some limitations such as lack of creativity, problem solving on their own and other. Therefore there are some careers or jobs that cannot replace the humans at current and making this careers as low risk careers from automation.

Benefits and Limitations of automation and AI (artificial intelligence)

Some of the benefits of AI (artificial intelligence) are mentioned below:

  • Reduce the human labour

  • Increase customer satisfaction

  • Improve quality and consistency

  • Save time and increase workflow

  • Errorless and accurate work


Some of the limitations of AI (artificial intelligence) are mentioned below:

  • Lack of social awareness

  • Lack of creativity

  • Lack of dexterity of human senses

However, automation and artificial intelligence have as many benefits, though it also has a high risk for jobs and employment. As automation technology is able to replace humans in various fields or careers such as Mathematical Technicians, Insurance Underwriters, Telemarketers, Tax preparers, Watch repairers and many others, and various tasks such as machines reading X-rays, cars driving on their own and respond to the customer service queries, according to McKinsey & Company a global management consulting firm.

According to Mordor Intelligence, an Indian industrial automation market was valued at USD 10.72 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow to USD 23.09 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 14.26 per cent. Talking about automation and artificial intelligence in engineering and its risk in the engineering field. There is no such risk for careers that are not repetitive, predictable, and routine-level jobs. We have listed the top careers in the engineering domain that are risk-free from automation or artificial intelligence.

Top Careers in the Engineering Domain

You must be thinking what are those careers that are low risk careers in automation or what can be the benefits or limitations of automation? Read on to know more.

Software Developer

A Software Developer is a professional who is responsible for creating programs and developing underlying systems for the functioning of the devices. He or she develops applications for computers and mobiles. A Software Developer designs and creates new systems. He or she writes, does coding, encrypts, and tests, all these tasks require human involvement, a robot or AI cannot do it all on its own.

Locomotive Engineer

Locomotive Engineer is a professional who operates large train services. He or she supervises the sensors and metres and must check the cargo, schedule and route and ensure the smooth functioning of the train on time. A Locomotive Engineer evaluates speed, voltage, amperage, air temperature and regulation therefore this career requires to be alert and has to do everything with the technical things that automation does not work here perfectly as a human employee does.

Computer Systems Analyst

A Computer Systems Analyst is a professional who conducts surveys and identifies database software problems and also addresses the issues related to users and suggests system innovations. He or she strives to improve the infrastructure to use systems effortlessly. A Computer Systems Analyst also analyses the hardware and software systems. A Computer System Analyst job being a computer based job is having a less threat from automation as it requires people to manage the system.


Web Developer

A Web Developer career requires the development of a website. He or she uses programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create applications and websites. A Web Developer requires to create graphics and themes and creates interfacing, web pages, design, and format. This career is more of creativity that can be possible only by humans as humanoids will not have creative thinking capabilities.

Computer Programmers

A Computer Programmer is a professional who writes codes for software. He or she develops, reviews, does debugging, and manages computer program source code. A Computer Programmer develops a graphical user interface for the common users to access it easily. He or she ensures the proper functioning of computer and software programs, troubleshooting, and database management. Therefore this career is less threatening as it requires people to manage the computers.

Transportation Engineer

A Transportation Engineer is a professional who is responsible for designing and improving transportation systems for people to have safer and more structured traffic flow. He or she designs and constructs various modes of transportation such as trains, ships, buses, roadways, and aeroplanes by analysing the data and identifying the problems. This career involves investigating the roads and infrastructure, identifying routes and designing navigation and other. In India, just with the help of automation these jobs are quite difficult to complete.

Civil Engineer

A Civil Engineer is a professional who designs, constructs, and maintains roads, bridges, canals, dams, airports, sewerage systems, pipelines, structural components of buildings, and railways. He or she builds and constructs new projects by planning and analysing the requirements. A Civil Engineer is required to compute load and grade needs, materials, water flow rates, specification designing and prepare reports.

Manufacturing Engineer

A Manufacturing Engineer is a professional who designs and develops high-quality and economically competitive products. He or she designs a circuit board manufacturing process to improve the quality of the products. A Manufacturing Engineer researches, modifies and tests manufacturing methods using computer technology to have a systematic approach. To design and to test manufacturing methods, there is a use of computers but it requires someone to operate it and a human can do it by understanding all the needs required to be done.

Chemical Engineer

A Chemical Engineer is a professional who plans and designs the layout of the equipment and develops safety procedures for the other employees who are working with various chemicals. He or she uses analytical and mathematical skills to develop various chemicals using various chemistry principles therefore this may not be possible by the machines to do it by themselves.


The above-mentioned careers are low-risk careers from automation and artificial intelligence in the engineering domain. The technology revolution has already started and boosted market productivity in various industries but still, there are some jobs or careers that can be done or are possible by only humans. As technology is developing more and more each day we might also see that technology and automation will be able to do a few of the tasks in the future but not in this present era.


Questions related to

Get answers from students and experts

Yes, you can become a Computer Science (CS) engineer even if you graduate with a degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE). Here are some steps to help you make this transition:

1. Learn Programming: Gain proficiency in programming languages such as Python, Java, C++, or JavaScript.

2. Data Structures and Algorithms: Understand and practice data structures and algorithms.

3. Computer Science Fundamentals: Study key CS concepts like operating systems, databases, networking, and software.

Practical Experience

1. Projects: Work on personal or open-source projects to build a portfolio.

2. Internships: Pursue internships in software development to gain hands-on experience.

3. Hackathons and Competitions: Participate in coding competitions and hackathons to sharpen your skills and network with professionals.

Advanced Education

1. Master’s Degree:Consider pursuing a Master's in Computer Science or related fields if you want a formal education.

2. Post-Graduate Diplomas: Explore post-graduate diplomas or certifications in CS offered by universities or online platforms.

Hello aspirant,

Software engineering is an area of computer science that focusses on software application design, development, testing, and maintenance. It gives students the tools they need to create software systems that are both effective and efficient. In India, there are about 170 colleges that provide courses in software engineering.

For more information you can visit our website by clicking on the link given below.

Thank you

Hope this information helps you.


Here are the steps for applying to Uttarakhand University for counseling as an out-of-state student:

· Register and pay the counseling fee for Uttarakhand NEET 2024 on the official portal of HNBUMU.

· Update your application form with personal details, contact information, and qualifying exam information.

· Pay the security money, which will be refunded if no seat is allocated.

· Wait for the state merit list to be published.

· Fill in your course and college preferences.

· Print the registration page and filled choices.

· HNBUMU will publish the seat allocation list based on the state merit list and filled choices.

· If allocated a seat, report to the assigned institute for document verification and admission confirmation.

Note that out-of-state students can apply for management quota seats in government medical colleges

Hope this helps,

Thank you

Yes, you can definitely become a software engineer after a B.Sc. in Electronics and Computer Technology! While a Computer Science degree might be the most direct path, your electronics and computer technology background provides a valuable foundation for a software engineering career.

Your B.Sc. program likely covered essential software engineering concepts like programming languages, data structures, algorithms, and problem-solving. Additionally, the electronics component might have provided you with a strong understanding of computer hardware and systems, which can be beneficial for software development. If your program offered a strong focus on programming languages and software development principles, you're well on your way to becoming a software engineer.

Many online resources, tutorials, and coding bootcamps can help you enhance your programming skills in specific languages like Java, Python, or C++. Build a portfolio of personal software projects to showcase your coding abilities and problem-solving approach. Look for software development internships to gain practical experience in a professional setting.

I hope it helps!

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