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Javascript Developer Salary in India for Fresher & Experienced

Javascript Developer Salary in India for Fresher & Experienced

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 05, 2024 03:33 PM IST

JavaScript is a web programming language that supports all web browsers and tools. It is the most popular programming language within the OSS module ecosystem. JavaScript Developer is responsible for website development, programming, and implementation. Their work includes performing code analysis, developing front-end applications, and improving style and usability. In this article, we will discuss the JavaScript Developer salary in India.

Javascript Developer Salary in India for Fresher & Experienced
Javascript Developer Salary in India for Fresher & Experienced

Java developers look after the website's web pages, UI UX, and front-end design and back-end design. If you have the relevant skills and want to update from time to time then you can build a bright future as a JavaScript Developer. This role is highly paid, and before we look at the JavaScript Developer salary in India. let us now look at some of the details of JavaScript Developers.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a web programming or scripting language that helps Java Developers to make changes in the features of web pages. They create, design, develop and implement web pages making them attractive and user-friendly.

Who is a JavaScript Developer?

A JavaScript Developer is responsible for programming, developing, and implementing the website. They design applications and software using the Java programming language. They do code analysis, build front-end applications, and improve style and usability.

Javascript Types

  • Symboll Type
  • String Type
  • Null Type
  • Boolean Type
  • Undefined Type
  • Number Type
  • BigInt Type

Top skills for Javascript Developers

  • JavaScript
  • Node Js
  • GIT
  • Web Technology
  • JSON
  • Ajax
  • CSS3
  • HTML5
  • JQuery
  • HTML
  • React JS
  • CSS
  • Front End
  • Redux

Requirements for JavaScript Developers

  • A Degree in Computer Science, Engineering, MIS or related field.
  • Experience in front-end tools
  • Must have communication, organisational, and leadership skills
  • Knowledge about client-side single-page applications
  • Must have debugging and optimisation skills
  • Testing unit or integration experience
  • Must have an understanding of web markup language (WML) such as HTML or XHTML,
  • Knowledge about JavaScript and experience with JavaScript libraries such as Angular JS, ExtJS, and Backbone JS

JavaScript Developer roles or responsibilities

  • JavaScript developer develops and enhances the performance of the main front platforms.
  • Builds sustainable codes
  • Make sure of the feasibility of UI/UX designs
  • Collaborate with other team members
  • Designs, develops, modifies, and maintains the existing and new applications
  • Analysis the performance, code, software reliability, and system risk analysis and identifies the code metrics and automation.

JavaScript Certification

Learning JavaScript is most beneficial as it is high demanding programming language in the current job market. Having knowledge about programming language will not only help you to get a good job but also gives you elevation in your career. Here are some of the certifications that can be pursued online or offline.

JavaScript Developer Certificate

Certified Javascript Developer

Introduction to programming using Javascript

CIW Javascript specialist

Microsoft certified solutions associate (MCSA web applications)

Programming in HTML5 with Javascript and CSS3

Real simulation practice tests

Javascript ES6

Javascript introduction certification W3C (edX)

w3schools JavaScript Certificate

JavaScript Developer salary in India

JavaScript is a scripting language used to add or control the content on the website. HTML and CSS give web browsers guides on how to display a website such as fonts, paragraphs, and headers. JavaScript helps to update real-time features on the page without refreshing the page. Let us look at the top types of JavaScript Developer jobs and their average salaries in India.

JavaScript Developer Estimates Salary in India

JavaScript Developer

Estimated Rs 4.9 lakhs per annum

Node Js Developer

Estimated Rs 5.0 lakhs per annum

Angular Js Developer

Estimated Rs 4.5 lakhs per annum

Mobile App Developer

Estimated Rs 5.0 lakhs per annum

Front-End Developer

Estimated Rs 4.0 lakhs per annum

Technical Writer

Estimated Rs 5.5 lakhs per annum

Software Engineer

Estimated Rs 5.3 lakhs per annum

Web Application Developer

Estimated Rs 4.5 lakhs per annum

UI Designer

Estimated Rs 5.5 lakhs per annum

System Administrator

Estimated Rs 4.0 lakhs per annum

Full-Stack Developer

Estimated Rs 6.6 lakhs per annum

Back-End Web Developer

Estimated Rs 5.5 lakhs per annum

UX Designer

Estimated Rs 5.5 lakhs per annum

Web Designer

Estimated Rs 3.0 lakhs per annum

DevOps Engineer

Estimated Rs 6.0 lakhs per annum

React Js Developer

Estimated Rs 5.4 lakhs per annum

The average annual salary of a JavaScript Developer is based on experience varies such as Entry level JavaScript Developer Salary, Mid-Level JavaScript Developer Salary, and Experienced JavaScript Developer Salary.

JavaScript Developer Salary per Annum

Entry Level JavaScript Developer Salary

Rs 2.24 lakhs per annum

Mid Entry Level JavaScript Developer Salary

Rs 3.5 lakhs per annum

Experienced JavaScript Developer Salary

Rs 16.5 lakhs per annum

JavaScript Developer salary in India based on the companies


Estimated Rs 3.9 lakhs per annum


Estimated Rs 5.8 lakhs per annum


Estimated Rs 7.0 lakhs per annum

HCL Technologies

Estimated Rs 5.5 lakhs per annum


Estimated Rs 5.6 lakhs per annum

Saxo Bank

Estimated Rs 27.5 lakhs per annum


Estimated Rs 4.0 lakhs per annum

Qed42 Engineering

Estimated Rs 4.8 lakhs per annum

Entrata India

Estimated Rs 9.0 lakhs per annum

Srijan Technologies

Estimated Rs 7.7 lakhs per annum

“The salary figures mentioned anywhere in these articles are just for reference purposes. Please treat them as such. Actual salaries may vary depending on respective candidates, employer, job location, and numerous other factors.”

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. Who is React JS Developer?

React Javascript Developer is one Javascript library that builds a powerful community of loyalists. It uses the React open-source library ecosystem to design and implement user interface components.

2. Which course to take to learn javascript?
  • Javascript algorithms and data structures (FCC), 

  • Fullstack Javascript 

  • Interactivity with Javascript

  • CS50's web programming with Python and Javascript 

  • Javascript understanding the weird parts 

  • Programming in HTML5 with Javascript and CSS3

3. How do I become a Javascript Developer?
  • Javascript algorithms and data structures (FCC), 

  • Fullstack Javascript 

  • Interactivity with Javascript

  • CS50's web programming with Python and Javascript 

  • Javascript understanding the weird parts 

  • Programming in HTML5 with Javascript and CSS3


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