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Recruiter Job Description & Roles and Responsibilities

Recruiter Job Description & Roles and Responsibilities

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on May 11, 2024 10:12 AM IST

The recruiter is a professional who works to match individuals with job openings at organisations. A recruiter source and reach out to potential employees matches with the company specifications. He or she discloses job vacancies, manages applications, reviews resumes, and hires the best candidates for the organisation. The recruiter must also collaborate with different departments on a regular basis so identify future hiring needs.

Job description of a Recruiter

The primary job of a recruiter is to source potential candidates who meet the company's specifications and help in hiring them. The recruiter attracts candidates using various sources like social media employee references and responding to coal the recruiter attracts candidates using various sources like social media employee references and several job portals.

The recruiter screens, interviews, and assesses candidates based on job specifications and job descriptions. A recruiter may follow up with the selected candidate and use HR practices to monitor the performance of the selected candidates. The recruiter makes recruitment strategies based on company preferences and presents well analysed and documented recruiting reports.

What are the roles of a Recruiter?

The primary role and responsibility of a recruiter is to deal with the human capital of the organisation. The recruiter is responsible for developing strategies to attract candidates to apply for vacancies. Apart from these, a recruiter also plays roles like screening candidates, shortlisting, and hiring of employees. Here is a list of some major roles and responsibilities of a recruiter:

Attending Job Fairs: One of the major work attributes of any recruiter involves attending various functions where one can find individuals suitable for a job. Not just job fairs but recruiters also go to several colleges and universities in order to hire students who will soon complete their degrees and be fit for jobs.

Shortlisting: A recruiter tries to source several job applications and resumes. He or she goes through a number of resumes in order to find the right fit for the job. Depending on the applicant’s skills and qualifications the recruiter shortlists him or her and can further suggest the names to the hiring manager.

Screening: Every company or organisation has its own screening process before hiring anyone in the company. Depending on the job requirement first a test is taken, shortlisted candidates may have to go through a group discussion round and the final step is the personal interview. If everything goes well then the candidate is recruited for the job.

Hiring employees: From advertising vacancies to interviewing job candidates, a recruiter plays a key role in hiring employees. In larger companies, there may be recruitment specialists who are strictly there to look for new talent. One could also set up his or her own recruiting company where other organisations can contact him or her to source potential candidates for the company.

Identifying Job Requirements: A recruiter works closely with various departments of the organisation to follow up with the performance of hired employees and identify upcoming job recruitments. Early identification of such requirements helps the recruiter to build efficient recruitment strategies and enables the organisation to grab suitable candidates.


What is the career progression of a Recruiter?

The career as a recruiter progresses from roles like interns to senior positions like Chief HR Officer. The advancement is based on gaining skills and experience as a fresher. It may also depend on the size of the industry and market trends. Here are some of the positions a qualified recruiter may progress to:

Human Resources Consultants- Human Resources Consultants help corporate managers devise policies, employment structures, benefits issues, performance incentives, and anything else that corporations need help with. The consultant is an independent expert who provides much-needed insight into a company’s human resources problems. An HR consultant analyses a company’s human resources situation.

Recruitment Manager- Employment, recruitment and placement managers oversee how and when a company hires employees. They direct their team on where to find talent, how to screen candidates and how to decide which candidates to pursue. Employment, recruitment, and placement managers must have good discernment skills and an eye for recognising high-quality potential employees.

Chief HR Officer- is in charge of all of the human resources systems, policies and goals within a company. The CHRO oversees every aspect of the human resources department, from recruiting and hiring to training and development, as well as contracts, labour relations, benefits, services to employees, disputes, policy creation, and more.

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What are the qualifications of the Recruiter?

The qualifications of a recruiter must involve pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources, Business Administration, or a related field. For advanced qualifications, a Master's degree in HR or MBA with a specialisation in HR can enhance your recruiter qualifications. Here is a list of some bachelor’s and master’s degrees a recruiter can opt for:

Bachelor’s Degree:

Masters Degree:

Certificate Courses

  • Certified Recruitment Professional (CRP)

  • Talent Acquisition Specialist (TAS)

What are the skills of a Recruiter

A recruiter should possess a variety of skills and qualities to ace in the career. The skills may range from sourcing candidates to supervisory and managerial skills. He or she should also have analytical skills to analyse the performance of hired employees. Here are some of the common skills a recruiter is expected to possess:

  • Supervisory skill
  • Approachable
  • Reasoning
  • Teamwork
  • Managerial skill

Top recruiters of a Recruiter

Recruiters work under the Human Resources department of the organisation. Every organisation in the corporate world needs recruiters to find potential candidates for several job opportunities in the company. Here is a list of some of the top recruiters of recruiters in India:

  • ABC consultants
  • Capgemini
  • Tata group
  • Accenture
  • IBM
  • Alliance Recruitment Agency


Salary of a Recruiter

The salary of a recruiter depends on a variety of factors like experience, industry and location of the company. The average salary of a recruiter in top recruiters in India is around Rs. 4.5 Lakhs. Here is a list of average annual salary paid by top recruiters of a recruiter in India:

Average Annual Salary

ABC Consultants.

Rs. 8.3 Lakhs

TATA Group

Rs. 6.0 Lakhs


Rs. 4.7 Lakhs


Rs. 4.4 Lakhs


Rs. 4.2 Lakhs


Recruiters are professionally trained under Human Resource Management who help in sourcing and hiring potential candidates for various job opportunities in an organisation. They attract candidates to apply for the job vacancies and coordinate the entire hiring process. They may also follow up with candidates and the company to analyse the performance of the hired employees. Every organisation needs recruiters to grab talented candidates for their company.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. Can a recruiter work from home?

Yes, after the break of COVID-19, the career of a recruiter like any other job also reinvented itself. The recruiter can work from home and fulfil their tasks and goals.

2. What should a candidate do to increase his or her salary?

A candidate working as a recruiter can increase the salary by gaining more skills and experience.

3. What skills are essential for becoming a recruiter?

To excel as a recruiter, several key skills are essential. Strong communication skills, interpersonal skills, attention to detail, and management skills are paramount.  A good understanding of the industry, adaptability, and the ability to leverage technology and social media for sourcing talent are also valuable assets.

4. Can someone become a recruiter even without experience?

Yes, a candidate can become a recruiter even with no experience by acquiring a strong understanding of the recruitment process, technical tools, and industry trends.

5. Is a headhunter the same as a recruiter?

No, Headhunter is a person who is only responsible for finding potential candidates while the job of a recruiter involves sourcing as well as hiring candidates.


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Top recruiters like Amazon, TCS, Wipro,Infosys,etc approach colleges only when they're interested in hiring students. They first verify the college and the courses offered there and also they take interviews to know how well the student is aware with their course and how they are going to tackle real life problems. These companies hire those students who qualify the interview. The college you're referring to offers great training to the students to crack the interviews which makes it easier for the students and for the conpanies as well and they do respond better towards placements.

I hope this clears your doubt,

All the best

The internships of any recognized company after the completion of the degree or any other occurrence are considered gaps. GAP is a term that refers to students who take a year (or less, rarely more) of their regular studies, usually between high school (upper secondary school) and college (university). It will be counted as work experience and you can add it to your resume, this will definitely give you an edge over other students if you want to get any other degree (masters).

I hope this answer helps. All the very best for your future endeavors!

Hi Karan!

Yes, internship from any recognized company after completion of the degree or any other ocurse is considered as gap. GAP is a term which refers to  students who take a year (or less, rarely more) away from their regular studies, usually between high school (upper secondary school) and college (university).  It would be counted as work experience and you can add it to your resume, this will definetely give you an advantage over other students if pursuing any other degree (master's).


Hi Aspirant,

It doesn't matter where you study all you need to know is coding skills from your B-tech first year start learning data structures and algorithms.  Practice problem solving in hackerrank, codechef, etc. this way you can even attend off-campus interviews and crack any company for example sony playstation, microsoft, google etc.

I hope it helps you.

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