Is there any problem if a student need to get admission for class 12 in state school after passing isc 11
Hello Thomas,
Yes,you can take admission without any problem in 12th class of any school of state. ISC is Indian school certificate is a private learning board which is accepted by the all school and universities even in uk. ISC is designed by according to the new syllabus and technique of learning. English is compulsory subject in this board and candidate have to choose rest of subject according to need and interest. If you are in 11st class than i would suggest you to attain more marks in your respective subject so that no school can object you to give admission in 12th class. To get admission in 12th class in state school you need to fulfull certain condition made by the council or board. The authority of admitting school need to apply online permission of transfer of admission attached with the relevant documents of the candidate and school than the council reply accordingly after that the admission is confirmed. Now a days the trend of ISC is more famous than the regular study the reason behind this is that a candidate can learn some other things with studies which will help them to stand in a professional world. A student can go for job, coaching for different exams and do what they like. this system of education provide flexibility in one's life, they can make their own schedule and study at a same time. Especially the ISC board has a dynamic syllabus with the trending world. A student can learn from those books and implement it in a professional world. If a student is serious towards the goal and preeety much ambitious than ISC board will help you a lot.