how to become a celebrity fashion stylist? and what course should I take up to be a celebrity fashion stylist other than bachelor's degree
In order to become a celebrity fashion stylist, you can follow these steps:
1. Start as an intern.
2. You should choose your course carefully.
3. You should build connections and value them.
4. You can understand the role by starting as an assistant.
5. You need to find a distinctive point of view.
6. Moreover you can start by getting a relevant degree.
Some of the courses provided by various institutions in celebrity fashion stylist are:
- Diploma in Fashion Styling by JD Institute (9 months)
- ISDI’s Fashion Styling Course in India (15 weeks)
- Creative Fashion Styling Course by NIFT Delhi (6 Months)
- Online Course in Fashion Styling by Conde Nast College of Fashion & Design [6 Weeks]
- BA (Hons) Fashion Styling by Solent University (3 Years)
- BA (Hons) Fashion Styling and Production by University of the Arts, London (3 Years)
- Master in Fashion Styling and Communication by Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) (9 Months)
- Online Masters in Styling, Image and Fashion Communication, ESDi, Design Higher Education School (1 Year)
Best wishes