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What is the NAC grade in GMRIT

Nitin Kumar 18th Jun, 2024

GMR Institute of Technology (GMRIT) has an A grade from the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).  Their accreditation is valid until October 19th, 2026.


I have a backlog in one paper in my 3rd semester, will I be held back for a year after the third attempt?

Nitin Kumar 18th Jun, 2024

Whether you will be held back for a year after your third attempt at a 3rd-semester paper depends on your specific university or college's policy on semester progression and failed courses.

Look for the official academic regulations document published by your university or college. This document will outline the rules regarding failing courses, semester progression, and the maximum number of attempts allowed for passing a course

The student handbook might also contain this information in a more student-friendly format. If you can't find the information online, contact your university or college's registrar's office.  They can clarify the specific policy related to failing courses and semester progression.

In general, universities allow more than 3 attempts for a course before holding you back a year. There might be additional options like:

  • Summer courses: Some universities offer summer courses to allow students to retake failed courses and progress to the next semester.

  • Repeating the semester: In some cases, you might need to repeat the entire semester if you fail too many courses.

It is important to be proactive and address this with your academic advisor or the department head of your program.  They can guide you based on your specific situation and help you determine the best course of action.

I hope it helps!


i gave cuet exam with subject pcb but for some dumbness i failed chemistry so can i get admission in du for bsc hons in zoology with english gt and biology

Nitin Kumar 18th Jun, 2024

There is a chance you might still be eligible for B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology in DU with a failed Chemistry score in CUET, but it depends on a few factors:

Each program at DU might have a minimum marks requirement for each subject in CUET. You need to check the specific eligibility criteria for B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology at the colleges you're interested in on the Delhi University website.

Even if you meet the minimum marks requirement, admission depends on the cut-offs for the program. Since you failed Chemistry, your overall CUET score might be lower, making it more challenging to secure a seat compared to students who scored well in all subjects.

I hope it helps!


i have got RT in chemistry in boards class 12th in cbse 2024. and now i have to give compartment exam but i am now in kota, as per my knowledge cbse conduct compartment exam 3 times so can i skip 1st chance after applying form and give 2nd or 3rd compartment which will be held in nxt year july or february....plzz reply i am very tenSed and scared.

Nitin Kumar 18th Jun, 2024

I understand you're feeling stressed and scared about your CBSE Class 12th Chemistry compartment exam

The CBSE usually conducts compartment exams only once a year in July. There isn't an official provision to skip the first attempt and appear for a later one.

You seem eligible for the compartment exam this year since you have an "RT" (Repeater with Theory) in Chemistry.

Since you have applied, it's best to focus your energy on preparing well for the compartment exam happening in July 2024. Utilize this time effectively for revision and practice.


did the other allotments gets cancelled if I ignore or not taking admission in the college that I got in first allotment

Nitin Kumar 18th Jun, 2024
  • Yes, ignoring or not taking admission in the first allotment can impact your eligibility for subsequent rounds.

  • By not confirming your seat (usually by paying fees or completing admission formalities), the system interprets it as you not being interested in that particular college.

    If you have higher-preference colleges selected in your application, you might still be considered for those colleges in subsequent allotment rounds. However, some processes might automatically remove higher options if you don't confirm your initial allotment.

    I hope it helps!
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hi , i submitted my caste as general category by mistake instead of obc, and i should claim "under 8 lakh income annually" quota , but i didnt claim that either, can i correct this data ? i have already submitted the application form for pgcet , what should i do now ??

Nitin Kumar 18th Jun, 2024

There is a chance you might be able to correct your PGCET application data regarding caste and income category,

  • Look for any official notification or information on the PGCET website about a window for application corrections.

  • Many entrance exams allow corrections for a limited period after application submission.

    If you find no information about a correction window, contact the PGCET helpline or email address provided on their website. Explain your situation and inquire about the possibility of correcting your caste and income category details.

    If there is a correction window, be prepared to submit any supporting documents required. This might include your caste certificate and income proof (documents showing your family income is below 8 lakhs annually).

    If application correction isn't possible, you might have to consider submitting a new application (if allowed) with the correct information. This could lead to additional fees and a delay in processing your application.

    I hope it helps!



Nitin Kumar 18th Jun, 2024

As a US Citizen with an OCI card, you  don't require No Objection Certificates (NOC) from the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) or the Ministry of Health (MoH) to study in India.

An OCI card grants you several privileges, including pursuing education in India without needing a separate student visa.

Since you already hold a valid OCI card, you don't need NOCs from MEA or MoH for educational purposes

Apply to the universities or colleges you are interested in and follow their admission procedures for international students.Once admitted, you might need to register with the Foreign Students' Registration Office (FSRO) at your university. They might guide you on any specific requirements.

I hope it helps!


what is the prospect of microbiology after 12

Shilu Singha 18th Jun, 2024


These are some of the microbiology courses you can choose after 12th standard:

  1. B.Sc Microbiology
  2. B.Sc and M.Sc Microbiology Dual Degree
  3. B.Voc Industrial Microbiology
  4. Diploma in Microbiology

The career options after a degree in microbiology are microbiologist, mycologist, virologist etc.

For more information, please visit the website by clicking on the link given below:

Hope this information will help you. Best wishes ahead!


Sir, I had scored 71 percentile in jee main. And 70 in 12 th Maharashtra board And 50 in pcm group And 45 in bitsat. Sir I want to be Computer engineering in btech. So sir please suggest best nearest college from Latur. Thanks Sir.

Shilu Singha 18th Jun, 2024


These are some of the best computer engineering colleges in Latur:

  1. Government Residential Women's Polytechnic, Latur
  2. MS Bidve Engineering College, Latur
  3. Puranmal Lahoti Government Polytechnic, Latur
  4. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Polytechnic, Latur
  5. Sharda Polytechnic College, Latur
  6. Swami Vivekanand Institute of Polytechnic, Latur

Hope this information will help you. Best wishes ahead!

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birth in Maharashtra but not stayed in Maharashtra.. can I be eligible for mhcet

Nitin Kumar 18th Jun, 2024
  • Maharashtra State Candidature (MSC): This category is for students who have passed their HSC (Std. 12th) examination from a recognized institution within Maharashtra.

  • Other State Candidature (OSC): This category is for students who have passed their HSC (Std. 12th) examination from a recognized institution outside Maharashtra.

    Since you were born in Maharashtra but haven't lived there, you might fall under the Other State Candidature (OSC) category.

    If you haven't lived in Maharashtra for a significant period, especially after Std. 7th or 8th, you will be considered under OSC.

    In some cases, if your parents have a domicile in Maharashtra and you've lived with them for a certain period, you might be eligible under MSC. However, this depends on the specific MHT CET eligibility criteria for the year you are applying.

    I hope it helps!
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