What is the median salary offered in NIT Durgapur in CS Branch?
Hello student placement vary every year upon number of recruiters, job seekers etc. This year the average package was around 9.9lakhper annum (LPA). And the highest package was of 32.54 lakh.
For more details refer to the link mentioned below - https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://nitdgp.ac.in/placement&ved=2ahUKEwiez4GoxOnrAhUbXSsKHdUXCV0QFjAJegQIAhAB&usg=AOvVaw1uU3aAR7QCqf5SDXxDoyh4
Feel free to comment if you've any doubt
Good luck