difference between electrical engineering, electronics& communication engineering, electronics & computer engineering, electrical & computer engineering

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vashunmi 10th Apr, 2020
Answer (1)
Ayush Anand 20th May, 2020

Hello ,

Electrical engineering is a branch in which you learn about electrical circuits , power supply , electrical devices and their working and machine used in electrical engineering field . It is purely electrical in which you have to deal with electricity and its management , supply and appliances based on it and their circuits .

In Electronics and Communication engineering you will learn about electronic devices like Semiconductor , diode , transistors , logic gates , flip flops , counter , microprocessors and many hardware components of computer and other devices . In this course you will also learn about hardware part of technology involving communication .

Electronics and Computer Engineering this is combination of electronics and computer science , in this course you will learn about hardware and software both parts of computer technology . General Computer Science course involves software mostly and few parts of hardware but in this course you will get deep knowledge of hardware along with software  part .

Electrical and Computer Engineering , this course is similar to Electronics and Computer Engineering only difference is in this you will also have to learn about electrical circuits and combination between different computer hardware devices along with some part of hardware and major portion of software .

Hope this will help you .


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