gitam gat exam sample paers for m pharmacy programme
Hello Aspirant, Hope your doing great . As per your query , in the official website there is sample papers was available
I want previous year papers of gitam admission tests
Hello aspirant,
Solving previous year question papers is a very important strategy to prepare for any exam as it gives you the idea of question pattern, time management etc.
To get previous year GITAM question papers, you can visit our website by clicking on the link given below.
Thank you
Hope this information helps you.
GITAM GAT exam when is slot booking date
Hello Aspirant,
The slot booking date is yet to notify. The Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management's GITAM GAT 2024 slot booking will begin on, the official website. The online GITAM slot booking date for 2024 will be announced by the authority. Candidates must log in to the portal with their GITAM GAT application number, gender, and birthdate in order to reserve an exam slot for GITAM GAT 2024.
You can refer the below link for more details:
gitam gat entrance exam mock test with solutions
Hello Aspirant,
The GITAM GAT sample papers and mock test include questions that are drawn from the GAT syllabus. The greatest materials for test preparation are thought to be the GITAM University sample paper and mock exam.
As applicants practice more and more GITAM GAT sample papers and mock examinations, they will become more accustomed to the test and be able to improve their speed, time management, etc. A candidate can simply analyze his or her performance if they attempt the GITAM GAT question papers and the mock test 2024 on a daily basis.
You can refer the below link for more details:
Thank you
Thank You
Hello sir I have got "10900rank" in gitam test ,so sir can I get a seat in "gitamuniversity" of vijaz of agriculture course?
You can easily get CSE at Vizag or Hyderabad or Bengaluru campus
Since closing rank is around than 20k.
Since you are getting CSE you choose any other branch also as per your preference.
For more information about college please visit the link below
Thank you
Hello I got 11467 rank in gitam gay m I eligible for engineering please answer my question .
You have scored a very decent rank. Since they have increased the intake of students in each branch, there is a very high chance that you will get CSE in vizag.
You can opt for your desired branch in any of their campus and there are very high chances that you would be able to grab a seat in your desired branch at your desired college.