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i have lost my application num for SRM University entrance how can i find it again

Nitin Kumar 19th Jun, 2024

If you already downloaded your admit card, your application number will be printed on it.

SRM University uses an online admissions portal. Try logging in using your registered email address and date of birth in the format DDMMYYYY (e.g., 03042002 for April 3rd, 2002) as the password. If you can log in, your application number should be displayed on your account dashboard.

If neither of these methods works, you can try contacting SRM University directly. You can find contact information on the SRM Institute of Science and Technology admissions website

I hope it helps!

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I am trying to open mhtcet pcm answer key but they are showing access os denied Their is prmb with my application

Nitin Kumar 19th Jun, 2024

MHT CET might require you to be logged in to view the answer key. If you haven't logged in, try doing so with your registered credentials.

There might be temporary authorization issues with your application. This could be due to incomplete registration, missing documents, or a technical glitch.

The answer key might not be publicly available yet and restricted to registered applicants who meet specific criteria.

I hope it helps!


i got seat in hons can i change my seat with computers is there any option to replace my seat

Nitin Kumar 19th Jun, 2024

Whether you can change your seat from B.Com Hons to B.Com Computers depends on the specific MHT CET counselling process and the availability of seats.

The official MHT CET CAP counselling brochure typically outlines the seat allotment process, including information on seat upgrades or changes. Look for the brochure on the MHT CET website

During the counselling process, there might be a window for candidates to express interest in upgrading their seats. This could involve indicating your preference for B.Com Computers (if available) in a designated section.

MHT CET might have a helpline available to answer your questions regarding seat changes. Look for the contact information on their website and call them to clarify the options for changing your seat from B.Com Hons to B.Com Computers.

I hope it helps!

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Bsc radiology and imaging technology or BSC medical Radiography imaging technology (BMRIT) Both course are same or not

Nitin Kumar 19th Jun, 2024

B.Sc. Radiology and Imaging Technology (B.Sc. RIT) and B.Sc. Medical Radiography Imaging Technology (BMRIT) are very similar programs, but there might be some subtle differences depending on the specific university offering them.

I hope it helps!

  • Both are undergraduate degrees (typically 3-4 years) focusing on the field of medical imaging.

  • They equip students with the knowledge and skills to operate various imaging equipment like X-ray machines, CT scanners, and MRI machines.

  • Graduates from both programs can find careers as radiologic technologists or imaging technologists in hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic centers.

  • Coursework often covers similar topics like:
    • Human anatomy and physiology
    • Radiation physics and safety
    • Medical imaging techniques (X-ray, CT scan, MRI, etc.)
    • Patient care and communication

      BMRIT might have a stronger emphasis on the practical aspects of radiography, while B.Sc. RIT might delve deeper into the science behind imaging technologies or cover a broader range of imaging modalities (including ultrasound or nuclear medicine).

      B.Sc. RIT could potentially offer more coursework in healthcare management or research methodologies compared to BMRIT.

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does a b.pharm completed student can do literature studies in hindi ?

Nitin Kumar 19th Jun, 2024

Yes, a B.Pharm student absolutely can pursue literature studies in Hindi after completing their B.Pharm degree.

A B.Pharm degree is a qualification in pharmacy, and there are no restrictions on what a B.Pharm graduate can study further. You have the freedom to pursue any field of study that interests you, including Hindi literature.

Enroll in a full-time Master's program in Hindi literature offered by universities across India.

Consider pursuing a diploma course in Hindi literature, which might be a shorter and more focused option.

Explore online courses or self-directed learning through available resources to enhance your knowledge of Hindi literature.

Overall, a B.Pharm degree doesn't limit your options for further studies. You can definitely pursue literature studies in Hindi if you are interested.

I hope it helps!

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i want to pursue brand management so can I pursue by or I have to do bba

Nitin Kumar 19th Jun, 2024

A Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) equips you with essential business knowledge in areas like marketing, finance, accounting, and economics. These are all valuable for understanding the business landscape and the role of brands within it.

B.Com hones crucial skills like communication, critical thinking, data analysis, and problem-solving - all highly sought after in brand management.

Consider pursuing a specialized Master's degree in Brand Management or Marketing Management after your B.Com. These programs can provide in-depth knowledge of brand strategy, consumer behavior, and marketing communication.

Explore industry-recognized certifications like the Certified Brand Manager (CBM) offered by the Marketing Certification International (MCI). These certifications can enhance your credibility and showcase your expertise to potential employers.
While a BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) might offer a more marketing-focused curriculum, a B.Com combined with the right post-graduate studies or certifications can position you well for a career in brand management.

I hope it helps!

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can i wear a cap during my ca foundation exam i have to wear a cap due to some medical reasons

Nitin Kumar 19th Jun, 2024

The ICAI generally allows reasonable accommodations for candidates with genuine medical conditions.

It's best to contact the ICAI exam authorities beforehand and explain your medical situation. You might need a doctor's note to document your need to wear a cap.

Briefly explain the medical reason why you need to wear a cap during the exam.

Ask for their permission to wear a cap during the exam and inquire if any documentation is required (e.g., doctor's note).

Follow any specific instructions provided by the ICAI regarding documentation or any alternative arrangements they might suggest.

I hope it helps!


I missed my date of document resubmission in comedk counselling what can i do now .? will I be eligible for counselling .?

Nitin Kumar 19th Jun, 2024

Reach out to COMEDK counselling authorities as soon as possible. You can find their contact information (phone number and email address) on the COMEDK website

Explain that you missed the document resubmission deadline and inquire about the possibility of submitting the documents now.

  • Be honest and apologetic about missing the deadline.
  • If there is a genuine reason for missing it, explain it briefly (e.g., technical issues, illness).

    There might be a late fee or penalty associated with submitting documents after the deadline. Ask COMEDK officials about any such charges.

    The sooner you contact COMEDK, the better your chances of getting a positive response.

    I hope it helps!

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can you tell me more about jee

Nitin Kumar 19th Jun, 2024

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is an engineering entrance exam conducted for admission to various engineering colleges in India. It comprises two different examinations: JEE Main and JEE Advanced.

JEE Main is the first stage of the entrance exam. It's a screening test to shortlist candidates for JEE Advanced.  Those who qualify JEE Main can appear for JEE Advanced.

JEE Advanced is the second stage, a tougher exam that determines admission into the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).

Both JEE Main and JEE Advanced cover three subjects: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

JEE Main is usually conducted in January and April. JEE Advanced is usually conducted in May. You can find the exact dates on the NTA website

You can apply for JEE online through the NTA website. The application window typically opens in December for JEE Main and in April for JEE Advanced.

  • Start preparing early and make a study schedule.
  • Focus on understanding the concepts thoroughly.
  • Practice solving previous years' question papers and mock tests.
  • Enroll in coaching classes or online courses if needed.

    I hope it helps!
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i am open category student (Maratha)but in cet form for mba 2023-24 I apply as ews candidate there will be problem while taking admission or not bcz i cant apply for ews certificate bcz of state goverment of maharashtra stop ews certificate for maratha category student

Nitin Kumar 19th Jun, 2024

It is understandable that you are concerned about applying as EWS while being an open category student (Maratha) in the CET form for MBA 2023-24, considering the Maharashtra government's stance on EWS certificates for Maratha students.

The most reliable source of information in this situation is the admissions authority responsible for the MBA program you applied to. Look for their contact information (phone number or email address) on the official website of the institute or university conducting the MBA program.

  • Explain your situation clearly. Mention that you are an open category student (Maratha) but mistakenly applied as EWS in the CET form.

  • Inquire if this will cause any problems during admission processing, given the state government's policy.

    There is a chance they might allow you to rectify your application category from EWS to open (Maratha) before the admission process goes any further.

    The admissions authority might ask you to submit a letter explaining the error and your ineligibility for EWS due to the state government policy. They might have a specific format for this letter, so be sure to ask about it.

    It is important to address this issue proactively to avoid any delays in your admission process. The sooner you contact the admissions authority, the better.

    I hope it helps!

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