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Hi.Iam scored 540 in Neet 2024 And my category is BC-B and IAM from ANDHRA PRADESH..chance for govt mbbs seat

Manisha 14th Jun, 2024

Hello aspirant .

You have scored well with 540 marks in Neet 2024 , but with thus score and being BC B category candidate it's difficult to say that uou will get government college  for mbbs or not , though you have chances to get private college but this year cut off is too high , cut iff changes every year and depends upon certain factors including previous year's cut off,  number of students appeared in exam,  seat intake etc.

You may get seat in following colleges of Andhra pradesh

GSL medical college

PES Institute of Medical Sciences and research

Narayana medical college

NRI Institute of Medical Sciences,  Vishakhspatnam

Sri Balaji medical college and Hospital

For rank and college prediction you may visit the links given


Admission without neet score 2024

Manisha 14th Jun, 2024

Hello aspirant

Sorry but you won't get any  medical seat in Any medical college without neet .

Neet is National eligibility cum entrance test.  It is the biggest entrance exam of India and applicable to various medical courses  including mbbs, bds, Physiotherapy,  bams, bhms, veterinary science and Ayush .

If you wish to pursue Course concerned with medical field amd without neet, you may go for paramedical courses like DMLT, Bsc in Microbiology,  bsc in nutrition and Dietics,  bsc radiology,  bsc in anaesthesia, diploma in  operation theatre techniques.

For detailed information you may visit the link given below

1 View

CS pure or CS data science, which is better, if i opt CS data science spececialisation ,will I be constraints to single track in placements, or both have scope. pl explain

Nitin Kumar 14th Jun, 2024

Choosing between CS (Computer Science) and CS with a Data Science specialization depends on your interests and career goals.

Provides a broad foundation in computer science principles, algorithms, data structures, programming languages, software engineering, and computer architecture .Opens doors to a wide range of software development, engineering, and IT-related jobs like software engineer, systems engineer, web developer, mobile app developer, and more.

A pure CS degree allows you to explore various specializations later in your career, such as data science, machine learning, cybersecurity, or artificial intelligence.

CS with Data Science Specialization:

Combines core computer science concepts with data analysis, machine learning, statistics, and big data processing. Prepares you for data science, data analysis, machine learning engineering, business intelligence, and other data-driven roles. Data science skills are currently in high demand across various industries.

If you enjoy coding, problem-solving, and building software applications, pure CS might be a good fit. If you are fascinated by data analysis, statistics, and extracting insights from information, data science specialization could be more appealing.

CS graduates have strong employment opportunities in various software development and IT fields. You might be well-suited for data science and related roles, but could still be considered for some software development jobs depending on your skills and experience.

I hope it helps!

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Is it mandatory to register in JoSAA if I dont want to go outside Delhi ? What if I want only JAC Delhi ?

Nitin Kumar 14th Jun, 2024

No, registration for JoSAA (Joint Seat Allocation Authority) is not mandatory if you only want to participate in JAC Delhi counselling (Joint Admission Committee, Delhi) and not interested in colleges outside Delhi.

JAC Delhi conducts a separate counselling process specifically for admissions to undergraduate engineering programs in Delhi government-funded universities. JoSAA focuses on admissions to various institutes across India.

You avoid the process of registering and filling choices for colleges outside Delhi, which might not be of interest to you. Focusing on a single counselling process (JAC Delhi) simplifies the admission process.

The decision ultimately depends on your priorities. If you are certain about pursuing engineering in a Delhi government-funded college, skipping JoSAA makes sense. But, if you are open to exploring options outside Delhi, registering for JoSAA might be beneficial.

I hope it helps!


I have done my bachelors in biotechnology and i want to pursue masters in clinical embryology, so can you please tell me about the admission process in delhi AIIMS and for that which exams i have to qualify and about the placements.

Nitin Kumar 14th Jun, 2024

You must have a Bachelor's degree in a relevant field like Biotechnology, Life Sciences, Zoology, Botany, or any other allied biological science from a recognized university.

The minimum percentage requirement can vary slightly from year to year, but it typically falls around 60% in your Bachelor's degree.

To be eligible for admission, you need to appear for the entrance exam conducted by AIIMS specifically for M.Sc. programs. This exam focuses on assessing your knowledge in relevant areas like:

  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular & Cell Biology
  • Reproduction & Embryology
  • Reproductive Anatomy
  • Physiology (Male & Female)
  • Immunology & Toxicology

    Based on your performance in the entrance exam, a merit list will be prepared. Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. The interview typically assesses your aptitude for the program, motivation, communication skills, and overall suitability for a career in Clinical Embryology.

    Since M.Sc. in Clinical Embryology is a specialized program, there aren't traditional "placements" offered by AIIMS. You could work in fertility clinics or IVF centers, assisting with assisted reproductive techniques (ART) procedures. Opportunities exist in research institutions or pharmaceutical companies focusing on reproductive health or embryology. With further qualifications, you could pursue a career in teaching or research at universities or colleges.

    I hope it helps!


Manisha 14th Jun, 2024

Hello aspirant

Sorry to say but with 63 score , you havd not even qualified neet 2024. You need minimum 164 marks for getting any medical course.

Qualifying percentile For neet 2024

General category candidate  it is 50th percentile ie score between 730 - 164

Foe sc, st and obc it is 40th percentile ie 163 - 129

Aldo this year cut off is too high.

You may get few courses where neet is not mandatory such as DMLT, bsc radiology,  bsc in anaesthesia,  diploma in OT techniques,  D pharmacy etc

OF you get drop and try next year .

All the best

how does TSAP deal with gap year students? and how does one cope with the drop? does college help students with job placements?

Nitin Kumar 14th Jun, 2024

Some colleges might allow gap year students to enter as transfer students,  depending on the reason for the gap and previous academic performance. The best approach might be to contact TSAP's admissions department directly. Explain your situation and inquire about the possibility of taking a gap year and readmission procedures.

If you are considering a gap year due to academic difficulties, address the root cause.

  • Consider seeking academic support services offered by TSAP (if available).
  • Talk to your professors or advisors to identify areas for improvement.

    Taking a gap year for mental health reasons can be beneficial. TSAP might offer resources or can guide you to external support services.

    TSAP might have a placement cell that connects students with potential employers in the architecture and planning field.Check the college website or contact them directly for confirmation.Professors and faculty might have connections with architecture and planning firms, which could be beneficial for job opportunities.

    I hope it helps!
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i passed 12 th exam in 2021 ,3years gap, because I prepared neet,now i want to take admission in forensic science,can i take? please

Nitin Kumar 14th Jun, 2024

There is a good chance you can take admission in Forensic Science despite the gap in your education (since 2021).

Many students take gap years for various reasons, including entrance exam preparation like NEET. Colleges are usually understanding of such gaps.

Check the eligibility criteria for B.Sc. Forensic Science programs at the universities you are interested in. Most programs require a minimum percentage in your 12th standard Science subjects (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology).Some universities might conduct their own entrance exams for B.Sc. Forensic Science, while others might base selection on your 12th standard marks. Research the specific admission process for each university.

While a gap year for NEET preparation is understandable, you can optionally consider mentioning it in your application:

Briefly explain that you were preparing for NEET in your application form or during the interview (if applicable). If you achieved good scores in NEET or have any relevant experiences or certifications during your gap year, mention them to showcase your continued academic engagement.

I hope it helps!


I could not fill the admission of ug form of Mumbai University, what should I do now?

Nitin Kumar 14th Jun, 2024

The application deadline for Mumbai University UG admissions might have passed, but there are still a few options you can explore:

Reach out to the Mumbai University admissions office as soon as possible. Inquire if there is a possibility of submitting a late application with a late fee (if applicable). This will depend on the university's specific policy and how late you are. Mumbai University has many affiliated colleges offering various undergraduate programs. While the application for Mumbai University departments might be closed, individual colleges might still have open applications.

Consider applying to other universities in Mumbai that might still have open applications for UG programs. Research universities like SNDT Women's University, SPIT (Mumbai), or KJ Somaiya College of Engineering.

I hope it helps!


Can I get seat in bsc cardiology through eamcet exam

Nitin Kumar 13th Jun, 2024

No, there typically isn't a BSc in Cardiology offered in India. The related field you might be interested in is BSc Cardiac Technology, which involves using technology to assist doctors in diagnosing and treating heart conditions.

EAMCET (or its state-specific variant) can be used for admission into BSc Cardiac Technology programs in some institutions.

There isn't a BSc in Cardiology. BSc Cardiac Technology focuses on the technical aspects of cardiac care using equipment. EAMCET can be used for admission in some colleges. Eligibility criteria and entrance exams may vary.

I hope it helps!

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