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Kindly share opinions on ICFAI online MBA Program? Whether we should do it?

Nitin Kumar 3rd Jun, 2024

The ICFAI online MBA program has both potential advantages and disadvantages to consider when deciding if it's right for you.

The online format allows you to pursue an MBA while balancing work and other commitments. You can study at your own pace and schedule. Online programs are often cheaper than traditional MBA programs. ICFAI University has a long history of offering management education programs. The program is designed specifically for working professionals, so the curriculum and coursework might be tailored to your needs.

Verify the accreditation of the specific ICFAI University offering the online MBA program you're considering. Accreditation is important for job prospects and transfer credits. ICFAI University campuses have varying reputations. Research the specific campus offering the program. Online programs lack the face-to-face interaction and networking opportunities offered by traditional MBA programs. Online programs require strong self-discipline and time management skills to stay on track.

I hope it helps!


How can I apply for PGCET if my school from 1st to 5th standard has closed, and I only have the old study certificate issued when the school was still operational? Will the old study certificates be accepted?

Nitin Kumar 3rd Jun, 2024

The process of applying for PGCET (Post Graduate Common Entrance Test)  with a closed school from your 1st to 5th standard can vary depending on the specific PGCET exam you are applying for.

  • First, identify the specific PGCET exam you are applying for. Different states or universities might conduct PGCETs with varying eligibility criteria.

  • Locate the official website of the exam authority conducting the PGCET.

  • Look for sections on "Eligibility" or "Documents Required." These sections should detail the mandatory documents and might mention any specific requirements regarding certificates from closed schools.

  • In most cases, a study certificate issued by the school when it was operational should be considered valid proof of your education during that period.

  • However, some PGCET authorities might request additional documentation to verify your studies.

  • Reach out to the exam authority through their helpline number or email address mentioned on the official website.

  • Explain your situation regarding the closed school and inquire if the old study certificate is sufficient.

  • Ask if any additional documents are required to verify your early education.

  • If you have a leaving certificate from the closed school, mentioning the duration of your attendance, present that as well.

  • As a last resort, you can get a sworn affidavit notarized by a public notary, stating your attendance at the closed school from 1st to 5th grade.

  • In some cases, authorities might accept verification from the education department or local government records if available for the closed school.

    I hope it helps!

I have completed my D pharmacy and MBBS , now can i get both license in india?

Nitin Kumar 3rd Jun, 2024

No, you cannot get two separate licenses for practicing medicine and pharmacy in India after completing D.Pharmacy and MBBS.

D.Pharmacy focuses on dispensing medications and pharmaceutical knowledge, while MBBS qualifies you to diagnose and treat patients as a doctor. India has a single licensing system for both pharmacy and medicine. A D.Pharmacy or B.Pharmacy degree qualifies you for a Registered Pharmacist license, allowing you to dispense medications under the supervision of a registered pharmacist or doctor. An MBBS degree qualifies you for a Medical Council of India (MCI) registration, allowing you to practice medicine independently.

Your knowledge of medications gained from D.Pharmacy can enhance your ability to prescribe and manage medication for patients as a doctor.If you choose to specialize or open a clinic, your pharmacy background can be helpful in understanding medication logistics and inventory management.

I hope it helps!


I would like to pursue LLB at the age of 40 years. Is there any option where I can do without going to classes ( open university) type

Nitin Kumar 3rd Jun, 2024

Pursuing an LLB degree through a distance learning mode (open university) isn't a viable option for practicing law

The Bar Council of India (BCI) regulates legal education in India. They don't recognize LLB degrees obtained through distance learning for purposes of practicing law.To practice law in India, you need to pass the All India Bar Examination (AIBE) conducted by the BCI. An LLB degree recognized by the BCI is mandatory to be eligible for the AIBE.

I hope it helps!


I got low marks in plus one kerala boards. Will this affect my rank in keam,Jee and cuet as class 11th and 12th marks are counted together in kerala class 12th.

Nitin Kumar 3rd Jun, 2024

Yes, your marks in Plus One (Class 11)  will affect your rank in KEAM, JEE, and potentially CUET (depending on the university) as these exams consider both Class 11 and Class 12 marks for the final ranking in Kerala.

For KEAM, weightage is given to both Class 11 and Class 12 marks (typically equal weightage of 50% each) for the final rank calculation in Engineering entrance.

JEE Main considers only Class 12 board marks for the ranking. However, some IITs might include Class 11 marks as part of their criteria for shortlisting candidates for the JEE Advanced entrance exam.

The weightage given to Class 11 and 12 marks for CUET ranking can vary depending on the university you're applying to. Some universities might consider only Class 12, while others might include Class 11 marks as well. It's crucial to check the specific admission criteria of the universities you're interested in through CUET.

I hope it helps!


Can I get admission in this college with 350 marks in neet

Hritik.maheshwari 4th Jun, 2024

Hello Student,

According to this score you may have a chances for admission into private medical colleges under state counselling and deemed Universities under MCC Counselling

For more refer to the college predictor tool:

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sir while doing documents upload process in the student details section instead of exam passing out year i have filled my date of birth so is it an big issue??

Nitin Kumar 3rd Jun, 2024

It's likely not a major issue, but it's best to clarify with the admitting authority as soon as possible

Filling date of birth instead of exam passing out year might seem like a big mistake, but it's a relatively simple error to rectify. The good news is you caught it during the document upload process. This allows you to address it before the application deadline.

Locate the contact details (email or phone number) for the admissions office or student support department of the institution you are applying to. You can usually find this information on their website. Briefly explain that you mistakenly entered your date of birth instead of the exam passing out year during document upload. Ask how you can correct the error. They might ask you to re-upload the document with the correct information or provide them with the passing out year through email.

In most cases, admitting authorities understand such minor mistakes during the application process. Being proactive and reaching out to them demonstrates your attentiveness and should allow for a smooth correction.

I hope it helps!

iam a resident of Telangana state. As I have seen many videos stating that we need equivalence certificate for Neet UG councelling, so am I also supposed to get that certificate?

Nitin Kumar 3rd Jun, 2024

No, you wouldn't need an equivalence certificate for NEET UG counselling in Telangana if you've passed your qualifying exam (Class 11 & 12) from a board recognized by the Telangana government or any national board like CBSE or ISCE.

The eligibility criteria for NEET UG counselling typically specify documents required from candidates. Equivalence certificates are usually required when your qualifying exam board is different from the state board conducting the counselling.

Since you are a resident of Telangana and presumably passed your qualifying exams from a board recognized in Telangana, an equivalence certificate wouldn't be necessary for the Telangana state quota seats in NEET UG counselling.

I hope it helps!

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I am from obc creamy layer but I have obc certificate. Should I upload it in DU csas form?

Nitin Kumar 3rd Jun, 2024

No, you should not upload your OBC certificate to the DU CSAS form if you belong to the OBC creamy layer.

Delhi University requires candidates claiming reservation benefits under the OBC category to belong to the "Non-Creamy Layer." This means their family income falls below a specific threshold set by the government. OBC creamy layer candidates are not eligible for OBC reservation benefits in educational institutions. Uploading your OBC certificate in this case might lead to complications during verification or disqualify you from claiming OBC reservation.
During the DU CSAS application process, you should select the "General Category" when asked about your caste category.

If you have a valid, recent (issued after March 31st, 2021) OBC Non-Creamy Layer certificate, you can consider applying under the OBC category. However, confirm your eligibility based on your family income not exceeding the creamy layer limit set by the government.

Ihope it helps!


in mhtcet application i have applied caste certificate but today caste certificate not available what can i do. my application consider can reject or open category.

Nitin Kumar 3rd Jun, 2024

If you don't submit a valid caste certificate by the stipulated deadline (which has already passed since today's date is June 3rd, 2024), your application will most likely be considered under the Open Category (General Category). The MHT CET authorities might allow conditional acceptance if you submit a written undertaking explaining the situation and promising to submit the caste certificate within a specified timeframe (usually after document verification).

I hope it helps!

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