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how to get admission in regional college of paramedical health sciences guwahati what are the criterias

Nitin Kumar 20th Jun, 2024

The Regional College of Paramedical Health Sciences (RCPHS) in Guwahati offers various undergraduate and postgraduate programs in paramedical fields. To get admission there, you need to meet the eligibility criteria and follow the admission process set by the college.

The basic eligibility criteria for most undergraduate programs at RCPHS involve passing 10+2 with a minimum percentage of marks (usually around 45-50%) in Science stream subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Some programs may have specific subject requirements.

Certain programs may require entrance exams conducted by the college or a national agency.

The admission process at RCPHS is usually a two-step process:

  1. Application: Applications can be submitted online or offline, depending on the program and the college's announcement.

  2. Selection: Selection is based on merit, which can be determined by your academic performance in 10+2 or entrance exam scores (if applicable).

    I hope it helps!
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top 30 automous engineering collage in hyderabad with the collage cord

Sajal Trivedi 20th Jun, 2024

Hello aspirant,

Here below I am providing you with the name of some of the autonomous engineering colleges in Hyderabad:

1. JNTU college of engineering , Hyderabad (JNTH)

2. Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Engineering (CBIT)

3. VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology (VJEC)

4. OU College of Engineering

5. Vasavi College of Engineering (VASV)

6. Mahatma Gandhi Institute Of Technology (MGIT)

7. CVR College Of Engineering(CVRH)

8. SR University (SRHP)

9. Kakatiya Institute Of Technology and Science (KITS)

10. BV Raju Institute of Technology (BVR)

Thank you

Hope this information helps you.


can arts student give mah cet exam

Nitin Kumar 20th Jun, 2024

This exam is for students seeking admission to MBA and MMS programs. An Arts student can give this exam  as long as they have a Bachelor's degree in any discipline.

This exam, also known as Maharashtra Applied Arts and Crafts Common Entrance Test, is specifically designed for students in Arts and Commerce streams seeking admission to undergraduate courses in Visual Arts (Bachelor of Fine Arts) [MAH AAC CET]. So, if you are interested in Fine Arts programs, this is the MAH CET exam you should take.

I hope it helps!


i wrote my roll number correct in UG university examination but the problem is i wrote it on the wrong places ... is it affect my anser sheet

Nitin Kumar 20th Jun, 2024

If it's a written answer sheet where you answer questions in paragraphs, a misplaced roll number shouldn't affect your grade unless it obscures your actual answers.

If it's an OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) sheet where you fill in bubbles for answers, a misplaced roll number could be a bigger issue.

There is a difference between accidentally writing it in a blank space on the same page and writing it on a completely different sheet.

The best course of action is to contact your university's examination department or exam coordinator as soon as possible. Explain the situation and ask for their advice. They might have specific protocols for such situations.

If the misplaced roll number is still on the same page and doesn't interfere with the designated roll number section, it might be okay. But contacting the examination authority is still recommended for clarification.

If it's on a completely different sheet or obscures the designated roll number section, it could lead to issues with grading.

I hope it helps!


microbiology course contains mathematics questions?

Nitin Kumar 20th Jun, 2024

Microbiology courses typically  don't have heavy mathematics components  like calculus or linear algebra. However, you will encounter some math applications and calculations throughout the curriculum.

Used to prepare solutions with specific concentrations of microorganisms for experiments. It involves calculations using exponents and dilutions.

These depict microbial population increase over time. You might need to interpret slopes and perform basic mathematical operations to analyze the data.

These involve measuring various parameters like enzyme activity or metabolic rates. Calculations are often required to convert raw data into meaningful results.

Basic statistical analysis is often used to interpret experimental data in microbiology. This might involve measures of central tendency (mean, median) and variability (standard deviation).

Overall, the math used in microbiology is focused on applied problems and data analysis rather than complex mathematical theories. If you have a strong foundation in basic math operations (arithmetic, algebra) you should be able to handle the quantitative aspects of microbiology without difficulty.

I hope it helps!

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Sir is Shri Krishna University diplpma in pharmacy course affiliated in witch University of odisha

Nitin Kumar 20th Jun, 2024

Shri Krishna University (SKU) offering the pharmacy program seems to be the one located in Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh

Universities typically don't get affiliated with other universities. They offer their own courses under their accreditation.

Shri Krishna University's pharmacy program wouldn't be affiliated with any university in Odisha. It would be approved by the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) to function independently.

I hope it helps!


I am commerce student ..with maths computer compulsory for bca in class 11

Nitin Kumar 20th Jun, 2024

No, computer science is not compulsory for BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) if you are a commerce student with maths in class 11. Many universities and colleges offering BCA programs accept students from any stream (Science, Commerce, or Arts)  as long as they meet the minimum eligibility criteria, which typically involves:

  • Passing 12th standard from a recognized board.

  • Minimum marks requirement (often around 50%) with Mathematics as a subject in some cases .

    Having a computer science background in class 11 might be helpful as it would give you a head start with some basic computer concepts. However, it's not mandatory for admission to most BCA programs.

    I hope it helps!

does neet required for bams in this college ?

Sajal Trivedi 20th Jun, 2024

Hello aspirant,

Neet is the most prominent exam for getting admission in medical colleges in India. All government medical College give admission on the basis of you neet score.

To give you the accurate information, I require the name of college you are targeting. So I suggest you to ask another query on our portal with complete question with college name.

Thank you

Hope this information helps you.

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Sir / Maam i want to become a professional general surgical Dr. but i cant achieve my dream because my 10board percentage was not good thats why my parents put me in arts stream i want to achieve my dream what should i do to achieve my dream

Nitin Kumar 20th Jun, 2024

It's admirable that you are holding onto your dream of becoming a general surgeon! While your 10th board percentage might not be ideal, it doesn't necessarily have to be a roadblock.

Have an open and honest conversation with your parents. Explain your passion for becoming a general surgeon and explore options together.

If possible, see if you can convince your school to allow you to switch streams to Science in 11th and 12th grade. This would give you the necessary foundation in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics required for medical school entrance exams.

Numerous online resources offer courses and materials for Science subjects relevant to medical school entrance exams.

Consider enrolling in correspondence courses offered by universities or private institutions to learn the required science subjects at your own pace.

If switching streams isn't feasible, consider a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology or Zoology. This will provide a strong foundation in life sciences. Degrees like Biotechnology, Microbiology, or Nursing can also be stepping stones, although they might require additional preparatory courses for medical school entrance exams.

Focus on the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) - the all-India entrance exam for medical colleges. Start preparing early and utilize resources like coaching institutes, reference books, and mock tests. Some universities in India offer Science programs through open or distance learning modes. This could be an option if a regular degree program isn't feasible.

With dedication and the right approach, you can still achieve your dream of becoming a general surgeon!

I hope it helps!

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i forgot to write the question numbers in anna university semester examination? what will happen?

Nitin Kumar 20th Jun, 2024

If your answers are clear, concise, and well-structured, the examiner might be able to understand which question you were attempting to answer based on the content itself. This would minimize the impact of missing question numbers.

Some Anna University exam papers might have specific instructions regarding question numbering. If the instructions explicitly stated that question numbers are mandatory, the omission could lead to deductions in marks.

Ultimately, the examiner has some discretion in evaluating your answer sheet. If they're unsure about which question you were answering, they might award partial marks or no marks at all for that particular question.

The best course of action is to reach out to your department as soon as possible. Explain the situation and see if there's anything you can do to rectify it.

If contacting the department isn't possible, there's not much you can do at this point except hope that the clarity of your answers helps the examiner understand your intent.

I hope it helps!

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