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Can I do msc data science after bsc data science

Nitin Kumar 10th Jun, 2024

Yes, you absolutely can do an MSc in Data Science after a BSc in Data Science! In fact, it's a very common path for those who want to deepen their knowledge and specialize in the field.

MSc programs typically delve deeper into advanced topics like machine learning algorithms, natural language processing, and big data processing.

Many MSc programs offer specializations in areas like healthcare data science, financial data science, or marketing analytics.

Some programs offer opportunities to participate in research projects, which can be invaluable for those who want to pursue a career in research or academia.

I hope it helps!

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bds private college in uttar pradesh

Manisha 10th Jun, 2024

Hello aspirant

Private colleges in Uttar pradesh offering bds program are listed below

G S medical college, Hapur , Uttar Pradesh

Hind Institute of medical Sciences , Barabanki

Hind Institute of medical Sciences,  Sitapur

Heritage Institute of Medical Sciences,  Varanasi

Saraswati Institute of Medical science,  Hapur

Saraswati medical college, Unnao

United Institute of Medical Sciences,  Praygraj

Sri Venkatraman Institute of Medical Sciences,  Amroha

Narayan medical college, kanpur

T S mishra Medical college and Hospital , Lucknow

Subharti medical college , meerut

Rama medical college and Hospital Kanpur

You may visit the following link for details


Hi. Im scoring 612 in NEET 2024 . I belong to OBC category. are there any chances of getting mbbs college?

Manisha 10th Jun, 2024

Hello aspirant

Congratulations on getting 612 marks in Neet.

With this score and being obc cand8date you have hogh chances of getting mbbs in a prestigious government college .

Now which college you will be alloted depends upon cut off neet , cut of changes every year and depends upon various factors including number of students appeared in exam,  Toughness level of exam,  seat intake,  previous year's cut off etc.

Neet cut off  score 2024 for general category candidate is 720 - 164 ,

For  sc, st and obc category : 163 - 129

So looking at previous year's cut off trends you may get state quota seat , also try for All India quota.

For rank prediction you may visit the link given below

For college prediction you may refer the link given below

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Is there any scholarship available for mbbs course?

Shilu Singha 10th Jun, 2024


Yes, there are many scholarships for meritorious and financially weak medical students. Following are some of the scholarships:

  1. Nationwide Education & Scholarship Test (NEST Senior)
  2. ONGC Scholarship
  3. All India Pre-Medical Scholarship Test
  4. National Scholarship for Persons with Disabilities
  5. International Medical Scholarship Eligibility Test (IM-SET)
  6. GSK Scholars Programme
  7. Nurturing Clinical Scientists (NCS) Scheme
  8. AIIMS fellowship

For more information regarding the scholarships mentioned above, please visit the website by clicking on the link given below:

I hope you will find this information helpful. Best wishes ahead!


523 mark can i getting mbbs in mbbs seats

Manisha 10th Jun, 2024

Hello aspirant

You have scored well , 523 is a good score .

Now this year neet cutoff is high and qualifying marks are also high.

You haven't mentioned your category to which you belong so considering you as a general category candidate , it's difficult to get mbbs seat .

Cut off changes every and depends upon Number of candidates appeared in exam,  difficulty level of exam,  normalisation process,  seat intake and previous year's cut off.  So looking at previous year's cut off trends

you may get bds seat in government college through state quota.

For rank prediction and college prediction you may visit the link given below


I have a 2 year gap between 11th and 12th so am I eligible for NEET 2025? I have passed my 12th in 2020!

Nitin Kumar 10th Jun, 2024

Yes, a two-year gap between 11th and 12th standard will not affect your eligibility for NEET 2025. The National Testing Agency (NTA), which conducts NEET,  does not have any restrictions on gaps between schooling as long as you meet the educational qualification requirements.

You must have passed the 10+2 level examination with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (or Biotechnology) as elective subjects.

You must have obtained a minimum of 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (or Biotechnology) taken together in the 10+2 level examination (or an equivalent examination) for the General category. The minimum marks requirement is 45% for Other Backward Classes (OBC), Scheduled Castes (SC), and Scheduled Tribes (ST) categories.

Since you passed your 12th in 2020 with the required subjects and (presumably) marks, a two-year gap will not affect your eligibility for NEET 2025.

I hope it helps!

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helllo i have scored 131 in cuet pg. i belong from ews category. I want admission in masters in chemistry in central university. Can i get admission into hyderabaad or BHU with this score?

Nitin Kumar 10th Jun, 2024

It is difficult to definitively say whether you will get admission into M.Sc. Chemistry at Hyderabad University or BHU with a score of 131 in the CUET PG Entrance Exam (belonging to the EWS category).

Each Central University determines its own cut-off marks for admission into various programs based on factors like:

  • Total number of applicants
  • Difficulty level of the exam
  • Number of seats available in the program

Since this is the first year of CUET PG,  previous year's cut-off information specifically for CUET PG isn't available.Search online for news articles or forums discussing expected CUET PG cut-offs for various universities and categories. This might give you a general idea of the cut-off range for M.Sc. Chemistry programs.

While not a perfect comparison, you can look at the cut-off marks for M.Sc. Chemistry programs at Hyderabad University and BHU for previous entrance exams they conducted (like their own university entrance exams). This can give you a rough idea of the competitiveness of these programs.

I hope it helps!

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Does b.a history in your college?

Shilu Singha 10th Jun, 2024


I assume you want to know about colleges that offer BA History. Here's a list of some colleges which offer this course:

  1. Miranda House, Delhi
  2. Hindu College, Delhi
  3. St Xavier's College, Kolkata
  4. Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, Howrah
  5. Kirori Mal College, Delhi
  6. Deshbandhu College, New Delhi
  7. Patna Women's College, Patna
  8. Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar
  9. Goswami Ganesh Dutta Sanatan Dharma College, Chandigarh
  10. Ram Lakhan Singh Yadav College, Ranchi

I hope this information will be helpful. Best wishes ahead!

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The syllabus for GU-ART is always based on third year syllabus?

Nitin Kumar 10th Jun, 2024

No, the GU-ART syllabus is not always based on the third-year syllabus. It can vary depending on the specific program you are applying for.

The GU-ART (Goa University Admissions Ranking Test) is designed to assess your eligibility for postgraduate programs, not undergraduate programs.

While there might be some overlap, the GU-ART syllabus typically focuses on the content covered in semesters 1 to 4 of the undergraduate program corresponding to your chosen postgraduate field.

I hope it helps!


can i take bsc in chemistry after pcmcs in science

Nitin Kumar 10th Jun, 2024

Yes, you can definitely take a BSc in Chemistry even though you had PCMCS in science for 11th and 12th grade.

There are generally no restrictions on subject combinations for a BSc in Chemistry as long as you meet the basic eligibility criteria, which typically involve passing 12th grade science with a minimum percentage in science subjects (the exact percentage might vary depending on the university).

Your background in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics (PCM) will actually be quite beneficial for a BSc in Chemistry. These subjects form the foundation for understanding many chemical concepts. While Computer Science (CS) might not be directly related to Chemistry, the problem-solving skills honed  through CS can be helpful in scientific studies.

Ihope it helps!

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