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Can you give information about college NAAC accredited grade

Tanya Gupta 21st Jun, 2024


The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) is an autonomous body in India that assesses and accredits higher education institutions to ensure quality standards. NAAC accreditation grades range from A++ to C, with A++ being the highest. These grades are determined based on various criteria, including curriculum, teaching methods, research, infrastructure, and student support. Institutions with higher NAAC grades are recognized for their academic excellence, better facilities, and effective governance. This accreditation helps students and parents make informed decisions about higher education options, and it encourages colleges to continually improve their standards and performance.

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What is Certificate number in 10th Marksheet bihar board?

Tanya Gupta 21st Jun, 2024


The certificate number in a 10th marksheet from the Bihar Board is a unique identifier assigned to each student's certificate. It is typically found at the top or bottom of the marksheet and is used for verification and authentication purposes. This number is crucial for any future reference or official processes, such as applying for higher education, jobs, or government services. It helps ensure the credibility and legitimacy of the academic record, distinguishing it from others and safeguarding against forgery or duplication.

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How to take 10th Original Certificate of bihar board?

Tanya Gupta 21st Jun, 2024


To obtain the original 10th certificate from the Bihar Board, students must visit their respective schools, as the certificates are usually sent there by the board. Students need to contact their school administration to check if the certificates have arrived. Upon confirmation, they may be required to present their admit card, mark sheet, or any other identification proof. Some schools might have specific days or times for certificate distribution. It's advisable to follow up promptly to ensure there are no delays in receiving this important document.

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I took admission in institute forensic science in bsc. I want admission in girls hostel but no any one can correct advice for admission process Please tell me for girls hostel admission process

Tanya Gupta 21st Jun, 2024


To gain admission to the girls' hostel at the Institute of Forensic Science for your B.Sc. program, start by visiting the institute's official website or contacting the administration office for specific guidelines. Generally, you need to fill out a hostel admission form, which may be available online or at the hostel office. Submit the completed form along with necessary documents such as your admission letter, identity proof, and photographs. Some hostels might require a medical certificate and proof of guardianship. Ensure to adhere to any deadlines and pay the required fees. For precise information, consult the hostel warden or administrative staff.

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How to Verify Authentically of bihar board 10th marksheet?

Tanya Gupta 21st Jun, 2024


To verify the authenticity of a Bihar Board 10th marksheet, visit the official website of the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB). Navigate to the verification section, where you will find an option to verify marksheets. Enter the required details, such as the roll number and the certificate number, provided on the marksheet. The system will cross-check these details against the board's database and display the verification results. For additional confirmation, you can contact the BSEB directly or visit their office. Always ensure you're using official channels to avoid misinformation.

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which entrance test would be conducted for ba.llb admission ??

Tanya Gupta 21st Jun, 2024


For admission to a BA LLB program, the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) is the primary entrance test conducted in India. CLAT is a centralized national-level exam that many top law universities and colleges accept. Additionally, some universities might have their entrance exams, such as the All India Law Entrance Test (AILET) for admission to National Law University, Delhi, or the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) India for various private law schools.

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eligibility criteria for BMLT COURSE

Tanya Gupta 21st Jun, 2024


The eligibility criteria for a Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology (BMLT) course typically require candidates to have completed their 10+2 education with a focus on science subjects, specifically Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Most institutions mandate a minimum aggregate score of 50-60% in these subjects.

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How many months mu affiliated colleges admission process

Tanya Gupta 21st Jun, 2024


· June 29-July 3, 2024: Document verification and payment of fees for students on the third merit list

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for ibps application,i have upload passport size photo without spectacles and capture photo with spectacles.Is there any problem with that in exam hall?

Tanya Gupta 21st Jun, 2024


IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) has specific guidelines for uploading photos in the application form:

· The photo should be a recent passport-sized color picture.

· The picture should be in white background.

· The candidate should not wear spectacles with tinted glasses.

· The face should be clearly visible and should not be covered by hair or shadow.

If you have uploaded a photo without spectacles but appear with spectacles in the exam hall, it may not be a significant issue. However, to avoid any potential concerns:

· Carry a copy of your application form and the photo you uploaded to the exam hall.

· If asked, explain the difference in your appearance to the invigilator.

· Be prepared to show your ID proof and other documents for verification.

Hope this helps,

Thank you

after class 10 I choose commerce and the chooses is business studies economics computer application and account is it right combination j

Tanya Gupta 21st Jun, 2024


The combination of subjects you've chosen - Business Studies, Economics, Computer Application, and Accountancy - is a great blend!

Here's why:

· Business Studies and Accountancy will provide a solid foundation in business principles, financial management, and accounting practices.

· Economics will help you understand the economic environment, policies, and global trade, which is essential for business decision-making.

· Computer Application will equip you with skills in software applications, data analysis, and digital tools, which are vital in today's technology-driven business world.

This combination will prepare you well for various career options, such as:

· Chartered Accountancy (CA)

· Company Secretary (CS)

· Business Management

· Entrepreneurship

· Financial Analysis

· Data Analysis

Keep in mind that this combination also provides a strong foundation for further studies, like (link unavailable), BBA, or other related courses.

Overall, your subject combination is well-rounded and will serve you well in your future endeavors!

Hope this helps,

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