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hi, for specially abled exception- i am getting apprvoval to replace maths with other optional subject. so will i be able to take commerce in 11th if i dont study maths in 9th and 10th

Nitin Kumar 6th Jun, 2024

There is a good chance you can take Commerce in 11th grade even if you didn't study Maths in 9th and 10th, as long as you have approval for a substitute subject due to being specially abled.

While specific requirements might vary slightly depending on the board or college, Commerce in 11th grade typically requires students to have studied Mathematics in 9th and 10th. This is because Maths forms a foundation for some Commerce subjects like Statistics and Accountancy.

since you have special needs and approval to replace Maths with another subject, this changes things. The fact that you have this official approval due to being specially abled should supersede the general Maths requirement for Commerce.

I hope it helps!


I am a jee aspirant and unfortunetly i could not qualify jee and i am thinking to take a drop, i have secured more than 75% in class 12 so will i be eligible for getting scholarships ?

Nitin Kumar 6th Jun, 2024

In India, the minimum eligibility requirement for most scholarships has been relaxed and there is no longer a mandatory 75% requirement in class 12 for appearing in JEE (as of June 2024).

Many state governments offer scholarships to students who score exceptionally well in class 12 (percentage might vary by state). Research scholarship programs offered by your state government's education department.

Some private engineering colleges or institutes might offer merit-based scholarships to students with high scores in class 12.

Several colleges or institutes conduct their own entrance exams for engineering admissions. These exams might offer scholarships to students who perform well.

Some colleges or institutes might offer scholarships based on your performance in their entrance exam or your first-year engineering results after joining as a dropper.

I hope it helps!

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is b category registration starts after A category counselling completed

Nitin Kumar 6th Jun, 2024

For exams like NEET or JEE, there is an All India Quota (AIQ) for central institutions and a State Quota for seats within each state. The counselling process might have separate phases for:

  • A Category (AIQ Seats): Counselling for filling seats under the All India Quota might happen first.

  • B Category (State Quota Seats): After A category counselling is complete, counselling for filling seats under the State Quota (B category) might commence.

    In some universities or institutes, there might be a single counselling process with merit-based selection. Candidates from all categories (including those who didn't participate in A category counselling) might be considered together based on their marks/rank.

    I hope it helps!

i complete my school studies. i am biomaths student .i have one doubt btec biotechnology or bsc biotechnology which is best . which has high scope

Nitin Kumar 6th Jun, 2024

Both B.Sc. Biotechnology and B.Tech. Biotechnology are good options for a biomaths student interested in the field, but they have some key differences

B.Sc. Biotechnology (3 years):

  • Focuses on the fundamental biological principles behind biotechnology applications.

  • Strong emphasis on theory and understanding biological processes.

  • Courses include biochemistry, microbiology, cell biology, genetic engineering.

  • Ideal for students who want a strong foundation in the scientific aspects of biotechnology and potentially pursue research or academics.

    B.Tech. Biotechnology (4 years):
    • Leverages  engineering principles along with biology for practical applications.

    • Includes more math, physics, and engineering courses alongside core biotechnology subjects.

    • Focuses on designing, developing, and implementing biotechnological processes.

    • Ideal for students who are hands-on and interested in the industrial applications of biotechnology.

      I hope it helps!

would I go to nit if I failed in maths12th

Tanya Gupta 5th Jun, 2024


If you fail in Maths in your 12th-grade exams, it could significantly impact your eligibility. You would need to pass all required subjects, including Maths, and meet the overall percentage criteria to be eligible for admission to NITs.

hope this helps,

Thank you

Is we have to pay any hostel fees

Tanya Gupta 5th Jun, 2024


Yes, you have to pay the college fees in any college where you opt for hostel as well. It is a compulsory requirement to pay the feed and only then you will be allowed a room in the hostel. However, it is totally optional to opt for hostel and if you want, you can go for hostel anywhere outside the campus.

hope this helps,

Thank you


I got 454 marks in neet 2024 ,what are the chances of getting mbbs in sc category?

Manisha 6th Jun, 2024

Hello Nidhi

Congratulations on getting 454 marks . You have acheived a good score .

Being SC category candidate and with this score  you have high chances of getting mbbs but which college you will get can't be predicted now. Competition is increasing day by day. It depends upon cut off Neet 2024, cut off changes every year and it depends upon various factors like Number of students appeared in exam, Toughness level of exam,  seat intake, normalisation process and previous year's cut off.

Qualifying percentile For neet for sc category is 40 percentile .

According to your state , You can try for state quota seat.

For rank prediction you may refer the link given below

For college prediction you must go through the following link


What is the bhms full cource fee?

Tanya Gupta 5th Jun, 2024


The full course fee for a Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) program in India generally ranges from Rs. 1,00,000 to 10,00,000, depending on the institution and location.

If you want to know about fee structure of a particular college, please let me know and I will help you out regarding the same.

Hope this helps,

Thank you


best college for medical if i am scoring 676 marks and rank 10536

Manisha 6th Jun, 2024

Hello Zainab

With 676 score in neet 2024 you will definitely a prestigious government college.

You haven't mentioned your state , You have hogh chances of getting state quota seat , also with this score you may try for All India quota .

You may get seet in colleges like

aiims Delhi ,

maulana  Azad medical college,  Delhi

Jipmer puducherry

Post graduate Institute of Medical education and  research , Chandigarh.

Nationsl jnstitute of mental health and Neuroscience,  Bangalore .

For rank and college prediction you must follow the below given link.

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