by doing allen dlp and ncrt is it possible to crack neet as well as aiims in air rank without any further coaching??

shubhangi thard 16th Nov, 2017
Answers (4)
Ahmadunnisa Begum 16th Nov, 2017
Hello Shubhangi,

Yes, coaching is optional if you can stay self motivated and clock 100 hours a week.

The best books you can refer to are the NCERT,

For biology, refer the following.

1) Trueman's Biology vol 1 and vol 2

2) Dinesh- Objective biology

3) Pradeep publication Biology

4) GRB'S Publication Biology.

For Physics refer to he following books.

1) H.C.Verma - Concepts of Physics.

2) D.C Pandey - Objective Physics.

3) Fundamentals of physics by Walker

4) Problems in Physics by I.E.Irodov

For chemistry you can refer the following books

1) O.P Tandon - Physical Chemistry

2) Morrison and Boyd - Organic Chemistry

3) Modern ABC's of chemistry

4) J.D.Lee Inorganic chemistry

5) Dinesh

Ncerts are mandatory to have, refer the rest of the books and find out which one suits you. I would advice you not to buy all the books but to refer them and see which one is better for you.

In the end it doesn't depend upon which book is better but how good can you understand the concepts

Also, for the general knowledge subscribe magazines, they will be useful.

Hope this helps.


Comments (3)
17th Nov, 2017
Sir if someone start to study Morrison and Boyd now then he can't score well in organic.. Coz we preparing aspirant don't have so much time to study PhD level book.
17th Nov, 2017
Hello Priyanka, NCERT books as good and easy to learn. However, Morrison can be used as a reference.
3rd Apr, 2019
If i have already taken foundation Course from one coaching institute if I want to take drop then self study is sufficient   or I should join some coaching institute what would be better option 
Jatin Prajapati 16th Nov, 2017

Hi Shubhangi Thard

For this question I would like to say a big YES.

Yes , it is possible to crack NEET as well as AIIMS with the DLP and NCERT.

Try to build the basic concepts and solve the MCQs related to them. Try solving MCQs chapterwise first and once you are done with the syllabus, try the previous years papers or sample papers.

For AIIMS, you have to work a little harder in building concepts. once you conceptualize the things, you can answer the Assertion and Reason type question with greater accuracy.

Hope this helps you.

All the Best.

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Dr Parmanand Agarwal 16th Nov, 2017
Hi Shubhangi, yes definitely it is possible. most important for NEET/AIIMS is your NCERT books as books include basic principles and concepts and provide accurate information. BUT KEEP IN MIND YOU HAVE TO CLEAR ENTRANCE YOU ARE NOT DOING PhDso dont go by all books mentioned here and thereKEEP NCERT + ONE REFERNCE BOOK + MAXIMUM MCQS PRACTICE = Medical SEAT Apart from this, you can add upon it by following books

Biology -

Truemans Biology Vol. 1 & 2

Objective Biology by Dinesh

Pradeep Publications Biology

Physics -

Concept of physics by H C Verma

Fundamental of Physic by Pradeep

Objective physics by DC Pandey

Chemistry -

Arihant Organic Chemistry

Dinesh Chemistry Inorganic

Physical Chemistry by O P Tandon

Objective NCERT at your fingertips Chemistry by MTG

General Knowledge - It would be better be uptodate by reading newspaper on daily basis, y current affairs magazine {specially science section}

Hope this helps!....BEST OF LUCK

None 16th Nov, 2017

I would say yes, it is possible to crack NEET and AIIMS with flying colours even without coaching but the only condition is all your basics should be clear and strong and make sure that you utilize the study material properly because the preparation material would only work for you when you devote proper time with all your determination in it because basically its up to the student how he/she utilizes the material.

I hope you got my point and please let me know for further doubts.

Good Luck!!!

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