History of java programing language

Sharaq ahmad bhat 27th Mar, 2020
Answers (2)
Apoorva Student Expert 27th Mar, 2020

Hello dear student,

as you have asked for the history of Java programming language should a student Java was originally developed by James gosling at sun microsystems. and this was released in  or first public implementation was in 1995 as a core component of sun microsystems Java platform.

the gosling's goals were to implement of virtual machine and a language which can have a similar notation like c language.

I hope this was helpful

Thank you

rehan18alam Student Expert 27th Mar, 2020

Dear aspirant,

Java programming language was developed specially for multi platform performance. The principles for creating Java programming were "Simple, Robust, Portable, Platform-independent, Secured, High Performance, Multithreaded, Architecture Neutral, Object-Oriented, Interpreted, and Dynamic". It was developed by James Gosling, who is known as the father of Java, in 1995. James Gosling and his team members started the project in the early '90s.

Hope this helps. Thank you.

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