I am going to 11th now and I want to take PCBH. Can we become dentist by taking this course? and to become dentist is NEET necessary?

Bi Bi Ayesha 1st Aug, 2021
Answer (1)
ADITYA KUMAR Student Expert 1st Aug, 2021


By H do you mean hindi? It's okay if you want to have Hindi but make sure that you also have English.

If you want to become a dentist you must have Physics, chemistry, biology/biotechnology and English. So, make sure that you choose these subjects for your 11th and 12th.


For admission in BDS ,  NEET examination is mandatory. Need has been made mandatory for the following courses

  • MBBS

  • BDS

  • Ayush courses( Ayurveda i. e BAMS , Unani i.e B. U. M. S, Siddha i. e BSMS, and Homeopathy i.e BHMS ) and

  • veterinary i. e BVSc. ( neet is mandatory for only all india quota bvsc seats offered through AIPVT counselling, as some states also have their own entrance like RPVT in Rajasthan for state quota seats)

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For your reference,

Neet eligibility criteria is given below:-

As per, Neet eligibility criteria to be eligible you must be either appearing for 12th board examination or should have passed 12th board examination with physics, chemistry ,biology/biotechnology and English and must have got:-

----------) at least  50  % in aggregate of PCB  i.e Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Biotechnology  in 12th examination  if belongs to general category

----------) at least  40%  in aggregate of PCB if belongs to Obc/ Sc/St

----------) at least 45 % in aggregate of PCB in case of pwd candidates to be eligible.


* to be eligible for neet  one has to be at least 17 years old or more by 31st December in the year of appearing for neet

* There is no upper age limit for Neet as of now

* There's no limit for the maximum number of attempts/times one can appear in NEET.

For detailed information about neet examination eligibility go through our page for which link is provided below; -


If you manage to qualify neet and then on the basis of rank obtained by you in NEET , you can get admission in BDS and after the completion of BDS you will get your degree i. e you will become a  dentist and can practice it.

Follow the below tips to prepare well for your Neet examination

  • Follow routine to avoid wastage of time

  • Make sure all your studies revolve around reading practicing question and revision

  • Practice is the key, solve MCQs in each chapter

  • Stress and focus more on NCERT especially for biology

  • Solve previous year question paper and mock papers of neet.

To prepare well you can go for our neet program at the convenience of your home, the link for the same is provided below :-


Thank you

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