I don't remember my kcet user id may I know the process to get it back

kuldeepkumarraju2001 30th Aug, 2020
Answers (3)
Hrisheekesh Singh 30th Aug, 2020

Hey Kuldeep,

Check your Inbox of the Registered email Id and Messages that you have any mail or message from KEA when you initially registered. If still you are not getting your user id then you can reach out to the helpdesk at : keauthority-ka@nic.in. Mail them from your registered email id only. They will respond in 1 or 2 days.

Refer here for more info - https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/kcet

Feel free to ask doubts in the Comment Section.

I hope this information helps you.

Good Luck!

Swati Singh 30th Aug, 2020

Hello Aspirant

Candidates are advised to keep their KCET login 2020 safe but if under any situation, they lose or forget it, it can be re-generated by the following steps:

  1. Click on link available for candidate login
  2. Click ‘Forget Password’
  3. Enter the asked details like username or ID, the application number, etc.
  4. Answer the secret question asked.*
  5. Submit
  6. Enter the password in the, “Create Password” option available and confirm it by re-entering the password
  7. Provide with the details asked
  8. Click on Submit
  9. Candidates will receive the newly generated or re-generated password via registered E-mail or phone number

This question will be generated at the time of registration; candidates must note the question and answer and preserve it. Candidates will not be able to re-generate the candidate login without this.

This may help

Happy learning!

Firdouse 30th Aug, 2020

Hello Aspirant

At this stage it is very important to keep your K-CET user id. This  should not have happened. But don't worry. You can check your SMS from K-CET on the date of registration, as K-CET sends SMS to candidates soon after their registration. The SMS contains User ID and password. If that doesn't work then try checking your email inbox for the mail sent by K-CET as it may also contain the User ID and password. If even this method doesn't work then send a mail to K-CET mentioning that you forgot your User ID. You should even write your application number written on K-CET acknowledgement form and even your hall ticket number. This will surely help. You can find their contact information in the left-bottom corner of the KEA website. The link is given below.

Hope it helps

Thank you & Good Luck!!!

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