I've got CMR 189 and CR 156 in Gen category for MFM programme , which campus shall i expect ?

Stuti Dubey 18th May, 2022
Answer (1)
Anurag Khanna 18th May, 2022

Hello Aspirant,

According to the previous year's cut-off and CMR mentioned by you,

******** you have good chances to get NIFT for MFM in top campuses and for prediction of campuses you can check out the NIFT College Predictor given at the end of this answer .

See till now the NIFT cut-offs have not been released but as per previous year's cut-off data we have helped you with some predictions of shortlisting but note that above predictions can also be changed depending upon various factors such as :-

>>>>>> Total number of candidates appearing NIFT entrance exam

>>>>>> The difficulty level of the exam

>>>>>> The seat matrix for MFM program in each NIFT campus.

>>>>>> Performance of the candidates in the entrance exam

>>>>>> Previous years’ cutoff trends

You can check out complete details about NIFT cut-offs from the link given below :-


You can also use NIFT college predictor to predict the colleges in which you have some chances on the basis of your CMR :-


I hope this information helps you.

Good Luck!!!!

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