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NTA JEE Main Result 2024 | Forum


Can I persue MS in Computer science from abroad even I have done Btech in Mechancial Engineering in India

Nitin Kumar 4th Jun, 2024

Yes, you can pursue an MS in Computer Science from abroad even with a BTech in Mechanical Engineering from India. While a CS undergrad is ideal, universities value well-rounded students with strong analytical and problem-solving skills, which mechanical engineering cultivates. Highlight any CS or programming courses you took during your BTech. If your background is light, consider taking online courses or MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) in CS fundamentals to demonstrate your interest and ability.

Some universities offer MS in CS programs with bridges or preparatory courses for students from non-CS backgrounds. Look for programs that acknowledge the value of your engineering background while providing a foundation in CS.

I hope it helps!

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I want to take admission in maharani. I have the sub. In class 12 geography political and math. Can I take these same sub. In maharani University??

Nitin Kumar 4th Jun, 2024

Maharani College, Jaipur offers a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) program, and based on the information available, the combination of Geography, Political Science, and Math might not be a directly listed option.

They do offer B.A. with combinations like Geography, Economics, and Public Administration or Geography, History, and Sociology . These combinations share some subjects with your interests.

If Maharani doesn't offer the exact combination you desire, there might be other colleges in Jaipur or elsewhere that do. Consider researching other options that cater to your specific subject interests.

I hope it helps!

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how can do agriculture engineering after 12th?can i do agriculture engineering in degree not BTech?what is my duty on agriculture engineering?

Nitin Kumar 4th Jun, 2024

This is the most common path. You can pursue a B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering, B.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering, or a similar degree from a reputable university. These programs typically last four years. Some institutions offer diploma programs in Agricultural Engineering, which can be completed in two to three years. However, a diploma might limit your job prospects compared to a bachelor's degree.

Most programs require you to have completed class 12th with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics (PCM) or Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (PCB).

Depending on the university, you might need to appear for entrance exams like JEE Main, state-level engineering entrance exams, or university-specific entrance exams.

B.Sc. in Agriculture: This degree focuses more on the scientific aspects of agriculture, including soil science, plant science, and animal science. While it might not have the same engineering focus as a B.Tech, it can still equip you with valuable knowledge for a career in agriculture.

Agricultural engineers play a crucial role in improving agricultural practices and efficiency. Here are some of their common duties:

  • Design and development of agricultural machinery and equipment.
  • Irrigation system design and management.
  • Farm layout and planning.
  • Application of engineering principles to solve problems related to soil and water conservation.
  • Developing sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Utilizing technology for precision agriculture (using data and sensors to optimize crop yield).
  • Research and development of new agricultural technologies.

    I hope it helps!

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Do I need to enter the entrance exam to get in symboisis for ba in pyschology and does this admissions happen only online and if yes, then how?

Nitin Kumar 4th Jun, 2024

Yes, you  need to take the entrance exam to get into Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce (SCAC) for a BA in Psychology. For admission to the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences (SLAS), which includes Psychology, you need to take the SET General paper.

The admission process for Symbiosis is entirely online. You can find the application portal and detailed instructions on the official Symbiosis International (SIU) website

  1. Register on the SIU website.

  2. Fill out the online application form. Be sure to enter accurate information and choose "BA in Psychology" (or the specific program name) under SLAS.

  3. Upload required documents: These might include scanned copies of your mark sheets, certificates, photographs, and any other documents specified.

  4. Pay the application fee online.

  5. Schedule and appear for the SET exam. You can find exam dates and registration details on the SIU website.

I hope it helps!


i am getting 160marks in neet should i get private medical colleges in up

Hritik.maheshwari 4th Jun, 2024


As per your given score, you do have tough chance to get a seat in private medical colleges.
But you do have a chance to get a seat in Deemed College which comes under MCC Counselling

To check your chances, you can refer to our college predictor tool:


my neet score expected 299 . can i able to admit ?

Hritik.maheshwari 4th Jun, 2024


As per your given score you might have a chance to get a seat for private colleges under state counselling

For more you check our college predictor tool:


Hey I got 625 in neet 2024 general male will I get esi Mc through state quota

Bhawna Nagpal 4th Jun, 2024

You have got good score. If you can specify with your state we can help you out more. Also you can check more details using this college predictor. Link -

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I am doing cse B-Tech course in India. But iam not much intrested in coding.And iam intrested in becoming a pilot and Aviation related job. Can i do masters in aviation in others countries or MBA in india. If I can , what should i do.

Nitin Kumar 4th Jun, 2024

Since you are currently pursuing a B.Tech in CSE and have an interest in aviation, here are two options to consider:

Masters in Aviation abroad:

While a relevant bachelor's degree (like Aerospace Engineering) is ideal, some universities might consider your engineering background along with relevant work experience or coursework in aviation.

Look for programs like Master of Science in Aviation Management, Master of Science in Air Transport Management, or similar titles.

Masters programs provide in-depth knowledge of the aviation industry, business aspects, regulations, and airport operations.

These programs require significant investment and might delay your entry into the aviation job market.

MBA in Aviation Management in India:

Most MBA programs require a bachelor's degree in any discipline, but some might have work experience requirements.

Several Indian universities offer MBA programs specializing in Aviation Management.

These programs are typically shorter and more affordable than international Masters degrees. They equip you with business and management skills relevant to the aviation industry.

The focus is more on management than technical aspects of aviation. These programs might not be as comprehensive as international Masters degrees.

I hope it helps!


I am getting 494 score in neet UG,2024 and I belong to OBC ,can I get government seat in sims

Bhawna Nagpal 4th Jun, 2024

SIMS is a private college come under Uttar Pradesh Counselling. You have tough chances for this college but you can check more eligible options or using college predictor.  Link -


can I get a good government medical College in India if my score is 635 (ews Rajasthan)in NEET 2024

Bhawna Nagpal 4th Jun, 2024

For Female Category you have good chances in 6 different colleges in Rajasthan i.e. GMC Udaipur , MGMC Jaipur, NIMS Jaipur, AIIMS Bedwas. To know more you can use our college predictor. Link -

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