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NTA JEE Main Result 2024 | Forum


can i get admission in mait delhi through only management quota without appealing in ggsipu counselling or without jee main or ipu score card

busyur245 31st May, 2024

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There will be a pharmacy in this college?

rahul.saroj 31st May, 2024

Hi, Divyandh ,

you can check all the course ,fee,admission related information from this link

Careers360 .


i accidentally challenged 1 question from my omr for verifiation (unintended)...i havent paid the money yet (200rs)...and theres no way to revert confused, what if omr cancelled in future..if i didnt pay money or rather verify the already wrong answer as correct by paying 200rs.

Nitin Kumar 31st May, 2024

Most exam boards have a helpline or email address for exam-related queries. Contact them and explain your situation. Mention you accidentally challenged a question and haven't paid the verification fee yet.Ask if there is a way to withdraw the challenge since you haven't confirmed payment.

This is unlikely as accidental challenges without payment usually don't lead to cancellation. The challenged question might remain unanswered, potentially affecting your score.

I hope it helps!

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is there any benefits of ncc certificates in pg admission in talangana

Nitin Kumar 31st May, 2024

NCC certificates don't provide a direct benefit for postgraduate (PG) admissions in Telangana. PG admissions in Telangana,  especially for medical courses like MBBS,  rely primarily on entrance exam scores.

NCC training emphasizes discipline, teamwork, and leadership skills, valuable assets in any field.

Balancing NCC activities with academics demonstrates effective time management skills.

Completing NCC programs shows dedication and commitment, which can be attractive to colleges.

While NCC certificates might not directly translate into PG entrance points, they can be a valuable addition to your overall application, especially if you are applying for programs that value these qualities.

I hope it helps!


do we require to qualify cet for becoming ca

Nitin Kumar 31st May, 2024

No, you don't need to qualify the CET (Common Entrance Test) to become a Chartered Accountant (CA) in India. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) conducts its own entrance exams for the CA course.

  • CA Foundation Exam: This is the entry-level exam for the CA course. You can register for this exam after passing Class 12.

  • Intermediate Course: After passing the CA Foundation, you need to undergo Intermediate training and clear the Intermediate level exams.

  • Articleship: This is a practical training period under a practicing CA.

  • Final Exam: The final hurdle is the CA Final exam.

    I hope of helps!
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Can i give hs exam again even when i pass in every subjects? As i am not satisfy with my number and for my dream career i have to improve my number .

Nitin Kumar 31st May, 2024

Many boards in India offer "improvement exams" or "reappear exams" for students who want to improve their scores in specific subjects.

You would typically take the exam again only for the subjects you want to improve.Check with your specific exam board (e.g., CBSE, ISCE, State Board) for eligibility criteria and application procedures.
These details are usually available on their official websites.There might be deadlines to register for the improvement exam.You might have to pay a fee for each subject you reappear for.In some cases, the improved score might be considered for future applications, while your original passing score might be retained on your mark sheet.

If your dream career has specific entrance exams, you can focus your efforts there.

Performing well in entrance exams can sometimes supersede high school scores for certain programs.

I hope it helps!


incase one suject failed in polytechnic in ECE branch, final year only one subject failed.i got good rank in Ecet.but incase supplimentary exam result wl not come,on the time of counseling.then i will not able to get seat in please clarify my doubt???

Nitin Kumar 31st May, 2024

Failing a subject in your final year of a polytechnic diploma can create uncertainty during B.Tech counselling.

This is the ideal situation. If your supplementary exam results are declared before counselling, you can participate with your complete academic record.

A good rank in ECET (Entrance Exam for Engineering Courses) will definitely strengthen your application for B.Tech courses.

If the results are delayed past the counselling date, it might restrict your options.Some colleges might allow provisional admission based on your past academic record and ECET rank. This would mean joining the course subject to clearing the supplementary exam within a stipulated timeframe (usually a semester or a year).Other colleges might have stricter requirements and exclude candidates with pending results.

I hope it helps!

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I am now doing graduation on geography from university of calcutta. My general subjects are economics and sociology. Can I apply for jam IIT for geology?

Nitin Kumar 31st May, 2024

Based on the information available for IIT JAM 2024, applying for Geology with a Geography degree from Calcutta University might be difficult.  IIT JAM requires candidates to have a Bachelor's degree in Geology or a related field for three years/six semesters. This could include subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biological Sciences alongside Geology courses.

Your graduation is in Geography, a distinct field from Geology. While there might be some overlap, it likely wouldn't fulfill the specific Geology course requirement for JAM.

I hope it helps!


Hi, I have done BE in EEE but working as a software engineer from last 3years. I want to study MS in computer science and engineering, do I have to clear any exams or how can I get seat in IIT Madras? And is it possible to do part time MS? If yes, what is the course duration?

Nitin Kumar 31st May, 2024

Getting into an M.S. program in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at IIT Madras with a B.E. in EEE and software engineering experience is possible.

While not mandatory for all specializations, some M.S. programs at IIT Madras, including CSE, recommend a GATE score for shortlisting candidates. A good GATE score can strengthen your application.

Your B.E. in EEE is a valid bachelor's degree, but some foundational knowledge of computer science would be beneficial. Your 3 years as a software engineer demonstrate practical experience in the field. You can highlight relevant projects and skills in your application. IIT Madras typically considers a combination of factors for selection, including GATE score (if applicable), academic performance in B.E., Statement of Purpose (SOP), and letters of recommendation (LOR).

IIT Madras doesn't currently offer a part-time M.S. program in CSE.However, they do offer a Master of Science (MSc) by Research program, which allows some flexibility in scheduling research work.

The full-time M.S. program in CSE at IIT Madras is typically a two-year program.

I hope it helps!

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After JOSSA and CSAB round is there SPOT round also for admission?

Nitin Kumar 31st May, 2024

No, there isn't a SPOT round for admissions after the JOSSA and CSAB rounds for institutions like NITs, IIITs, and GFTIs. JOSAA (Joint Seat Allocation Authority) and CSAB (Central Seat Allocation Board) conduct multiple rounds of seat allocation based on candidate preferences and institute seat availability.

JOSAA Rounds: This is the main seat allocation process, consisting of several rounds where candidates fill preferences and get allocated seats based on rank, category, and available seats.

This is an additional round conducted by CSAB specifically for NITs, IIITs, and GFTIs. It happens after the JOSAA rounds and allows candidates who weren't allocated a seat or want to upgrade their seats to participate.

After the CSAB Special Round, the admission process for these institutes is typically complete. Some institutes might have leftover seats after all the rounds, but these are usually filled through institute-specific special rounds or direct admissions, not a centralized SPOT round.

I hope it helps!

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