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NTA JEE Main Result 2024 | Forum


I got 85399 rank in kcet is there a chance to get computer science engineering in Bangalore City

reddyaditya669 5th Jun, 2024

I have. Got 88355 rank in kcet and 74223 rank in jee mains can I get CSE college in Banglore

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i am going to pursue diploma in computer science, could one suggest me how after i can get admission in good btech college in second year , do i need to qualify any entrance exam if any could anyone help out

Nitin Kumar 5th Jun, 2024

Yes, you can definitely pursue a B.Tech degree after completing a diploma in Computer Science! Here's how you can get admission into a good B.Tech college for the second year (lateral entry).

You need to have a diploma in Computer Science or a related field from a recognized institution (AICTE approval is preferred).
Most colleges require a minimum percentage of marks in your diploma, typically ranging from 50% to 60%.

Some colleges might conduct their own entrance exams for lateral entry into the B.Tech program. However, many colleges grant admission based on your diploma marks alone. Colleges will select students for the second year of B.Tech based on their performance in the diploma program (merit list).

I hope it helps!


Mam I have done my bachelors in veterinary sciences .Am I eligible for msc in clinical embryology at AIIMS Delhi?

Nitin Kumar 5th Jun, 2024

The eligibility criteria for M.Sc. in Reproductive Biology and Clinical Embryology at AIIMS Delhi might be a bit ambiguous for your situation.

Your B.Sc. in Veterinary Sciences is a valuable degree, but it might not directly fulfill the typical eligibility requirements for M.Sc. in Clinical Embryology programs. These programs often look for candidates with a background in Biology or related fields.

Ihope it helps!

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when i try to upload my marksheet photos there is one notification comes that invalid file format is not submit why this is happening

Nitin Kumar 5th Jun, 2024

The website or application you're uploading to might only accept specific file formats for images, such as JPG, JPEG, or PNG. Double-check the website's instructions or FAQs for the exact formats allowed.

Sometimes, special characters in the filename can cause issues. Try renaming the file to something simple without spaces or special characters.

There might be a maximum file size limit for uploaded documents. Reduce the size of your marksheet photos if they exceed the limit.

There are many free online tools and apps that can help you reduce the file size of your images without significantly affecting quality.

Sometimes, corrupted cache or cookies in your browser can interfere with uploads. Try clearing your browser's cache and cookies before uploading again. If the issue persists in one browser, try uploading from a different web browser to see if it makes a difference

I hope it helps!


Ive completed 12th hsc(Maharashtra board)just 2024 I want to take addmission in diploma on 10th base for admission in diploma cllg i need 10th Lc i have Color zerox of 10th lc is that accepted?for addmission (I dont have original lc of 10th.its submitted to junior collage)

Nitin Kumar 5th Jun, 2024

Diploma admissions typically require original documents for verification purposes. A colored photocopy, even if attested, might not be considered an official document.

After applying, there is usually a verification process where the college will check the authenticity of your documents. This process relies on original certificates issued by the board.

Since your original 10th LC is with your junior college, try to get it back as soon as possible. Explain to your junior college that you need it for diploma college admissions. They might have a process for issuing a duplicate or temporary certificate.

While obtaining the original LC is ideal, you can also contact the diploma college you're interested in and inquire about their specific requirements. Some colleges might allow a attested photocopy of the LC during the initial application stage, but you need to submit the original for verification later.

I hope it helps!

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