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BCA admission keliye PCB Wale eligible ha aor admission process kya ha

Shilu Singha 15th Jun, 2024


Yes, students with PCB are eligible for BCA course. The eligibility criteria for this course BCA is completion of 12 standard in any stream from a recognised board with minimum 50% marks. While there are some universities or colleges that require Mathematics as a compulsory subject in their 12th standard to join this course.

The admission process is different from college to college. Some offers a on merit basis while others conduct entrance examination for admission. It is advisable to check the official website of the college you are planning to join to gather more information on the admission process and eligibility criteria.

Hope this information will help you. Best wishes ahead!

1 View

I got 60 percentile in KIITEE, will I get any of the electronics branch ?

Tanya Gupta 16th Jun, 2024


With a 60 percentile in KIITEE, your chances of securing a seat in any of the electronics branches at KIIT (Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology) depend on the overall competition and cutoffs for that year. Generally, higher percentile scores are required for popular branches like Electronics and Communication Engineering. However, KIIT conducts multiple rounds of counseling, and cutoffs can vary. It’s advisable to participate in the counseling process, keep an eye on the cutoff trends, and have backup options in case you do not secure a seat in your preferred branch.

Hope this helps,

Thank you


Ther is bsc nursing course and hostel facilities sir

Shilu Singha 15th Jun, 2024


Since you haven't mentioned any particular college in your question, here is a list of B.Sc nursing colleges with hostel facilities:

  1. JSS College of Nursing, Mysore
  2. Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla
  3. GVM Nursing College, Aniad
  4. St Johns College of Nursing, Bangalore
  5. Travancore College of Nursing, Kollam
  6. College of Nursing CMC, Vellore
  7. Vivekananda College of Nursing, Lucknow
  8. PGIMS, Rohtak

Hope this information will help you. Best wishes ahead!

I have fill th Mumbai University form but in course selection by mistake baf course but I have to take plz can you help me

Nitin Kumar 15th Jun, 2024

If the university website doesn't offer any online editing option, contact the Mumbai University Admissions Office as soon as possible. Explain your situation (mistakenly choosing BAF instead of B.Com.) and inquire about the possibility of correcting your course selection.

If the university allows editing within a specific window, they might guide you through the process on their website or provide instructions.

If editing isn't permitted, the admissions office might advise you on alternative solutions, such as:

  • Cancellation and Re-application: You might have to cancel your current application and submit a new one with the correct course selection (B.Com.). This could lead to missing deadlines if the application window is about to close.

  • Fresh Application Next Year: In the worst-case scenario, you might have to wait until the next application cycle to apply for B.Com.

  • Act Quickly: The sooner you contact the admissions office, the better your chances of rectifying the mistake.
  • Gather Information: While contacting the admissions office, have your application details (reference number, etc.) ready. Explain the situation clearly and ask for specific instructions on how to proceed.

  • Explore Alternative Options: If editing isn't possible, consider the alternative solutions provided by the admissions office. Weigh the pros and cons of each option (cancellation and re-application vs. waiting for next year) before making a decision.

  • Act Quickly: The sooner you contact the admissions office, the better your chances of rectifying the mistake.

  • Gather Information: While contacting the admissions office, have your application details (reference number) ready. Explain the situation clearly and ask for specific instructions on how to proceed.

  • Explore Alternative Options: If editing isn't possible, consider the alternative solutions provided by the admissions office. Weigh the pros and cons of each option (cancellation and re-application vs. waiting for next year) before making a decision.

    I hope it helps!

Can I give improvement exam for 2-3 subjects in cbse?

Tanya Gupta 16th Jun, 2024


Yes, you can give improvement exams for 2-3 subjects in CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education). CBSE allows students who have appeared for their Class 12 board exams to improve their scores by re-appearing for exams in up to five subjects the following year.

Hope this helps,

Thank you

1 View

which collge is best for data science dgree after bca in benglore

Shilu Singha 15th Jun, 2024


These are some of best colleges for data science course after BCA in Bangalore:

  1. Presidency University, Bangalore
  2. Jain Deemed to be University, Bangalore
  3. CMR University, Bangalore
  4. Garden City University, Bangalore
  5. MS Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore
  6. Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies, Bangalore
  7. Chanakya University, Bengaluru
  8. St Claret College, Bangalore

Hope this information will help you. Best wishes ahead!

which college is better for E.C.E MLRIT or IARE

Tanya Gupta 16th Jun, 2024


MLR Institute of Technology (MLRIT) generally offers better infrastructure, faculty expertise, and placement opportunities compared to Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (IARE) for Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) in Hyderabad. MLRIT is known for its strong industry connections and overall academic environment, which could potentially provide better career prospects for ECE graduates.

Hope this helps,

Thank you


how to preparation in ssc chsl exam in 2025?

Nitin Kumar 15th Jun, 2024

The first step is to be familiar with the SSC CHSL syllabus and exam pattern. This will give you an idea of the topics covered and the weightage of each section. You can find the latest information on the Staff Selection Commission website.

Once you understand the exam, create a study plan that allocates sufficient time for each section based on its weightage and your strengths and weaknesses.

Make sure you have a strong foundation in the core subjects like English, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, and General Awareness. There are many resources available online and offline to help you with this.

Regularly solve practice questions and mock tests to improve your speed and accuracy. This will help you identify your weak areas and work on them before the exam. You can find practice materials in books, online websites, and coaching centers.

Regularly read newspapers, magazines, and books to improve your reading comprehension and vocabulary. Stay updated on current affairs by reading newspapers, watching news channels, and listening to news podcasts. You can also refer to government websites and yearbooks for static GK.

I hope it helps!


i am a neet dropper ..and have completed my 12th with pcb as subject...and i dont want to study pcb i want to give jee mains 2025 can i ??or is it compulsory to have pcm in 12th

Nitin Kumar 15th Jun, 2024

There is no requirement to have Physics, Chemistry, and Math (PCM) in 12th to appear for JEE Mains 2025. You must have passed the class 12 exam in 2023, 2024, or 2025 .You need to have studied at least five subjects in your qualifying exam, with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics being mandatory. This means your PCB combination fulfills the Physics and Chemistry requirement.

Since you haven't studied Math in 12th, you need to put in extra effort to build a strong foundation in Mathematics, which is a crucial subject for JEE Mains.Qualifying for JEE Advanced, which allows admission to IITs, requires Mathematics at the 12th-grade level.

I hope it helps!


how to apply for international olympiod of mathematics

Nitin Kumar 15th Jun, 2024

This prestigious competition is for high school students and applications are not done individually. Each country has a Mathematical Olympiad Committee that selects participants through a series of national exams.  You can't directly apply to the IMO itself.Many countries hold Math Olympiads at various levels to select participants for the IMO.  These might be called IMO or have different names.  The process for applying will vary depending on your country.

Look for "[Country Name] Math Olympiad" or "[Country Name] Mathematical Olympiad Committee". The official website will have details on eligibility, application process, and important dates.
They might be familiar with Math Olympiad opportunities and can guide you on how to participate.

I hope it helps!

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