Answers (4)
Nithesh 1st Oct, 2019
Hey shreyas!! You don't worry you will definitely get out of your depression because you have the taught to study. Your thinking about your studies that means you want to achieve something. By this I can say your very strong person and smart enough. Your still in 11th you have to be person with full of happiness you have not yet seen the world, there is so much I future that you must experience so, wait for it. You just mingle with people around and spend most of your time with your friends. Before you are sudicial attempt you just think of your loved ones. You just focus on your aims and in free time play some outdoor games like badminton it will helps you gain concentration and focuseness. Just go for an outing it helps you to refresh your mind. You can be in contact with us any time, I'll be there for you to help you. Thank you buddy!! By the way I liked your name"shreyas" it's sounds joyful. I hope I might helped you a little bit. All the best do well!!!
Good things takes time!! Take care of yourself.
ANPAM KUMAR Student Expert 1st Oct, 2019

Hey there

First of all please do not even think of those things. I know you have just passed your 10th and right now you are in 11th where you are having pressure which you never felt in your life we all have gone through this situation. You might not be getting concepts clear no Matter how much efforts you put for the subject you can't even understand even a chapter. These things are common lakhs of students are facing this problem right now with you but it doesn't mean you try to escape from the situation. Since you are a JEE aspirant I advise you that you that you have ample time for JEE. Or if you are not interested in JEE or even science you can change your path after 12th. Not everyone has same brain those who crack JEE are good at that but if you'll do good at boards and you'll get admission into top college of Delhi University think of that most of the renowned personality of India are from Delhi University. Or even if you couldn't do well in boards you can take admissions into BHU and other universities and study subjects big your interest who knows during study you may get any startup idea as it's not a patent for engineers only anyone can have a startup idea. Don't loose hope if you'll work hard then you'll be successful it may take time but you will. Also depression is something which we ourselves generate do not think what other think about you just study hard watch lectures on YouTube and practice and revise the lecture contents on the same day. Everyone is born with same ability the only thing that makes difference is discipline and hard work with honesty. I hope you might get my point you have same abilities than anyone in this universe you need to avoid the world just shape yourself. If needed go play outside for an hour or two make yourself relaxed and trust me playing for an hour will make your preparation stronger if needed do yoga and meditation and do not think of other things.

Good luck

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Rakesh Nepak 1st Oct, 2019
Hello friend,
Are u thinking suicide is solution of u r problem
Don,t think of that also
If u able to overcome the problem u r in then
U will get pleasure happiness what u want
Be confidential don't courage
Life is a valuable gift of God don't misuse it
ADITYA KUMAR Student Expert 1st Oct, 2019
Hello there!


Everyone gets depressed at some point in their lives but giving up and committing suicide can never be a solution . To get rid of suicidal thoughts you should share all your feelings to your loved ones like your parents or if not parents you can share it with your friends or your siblings. You should always remain connected to your family. I know class 11 is a bit tough as the syllabus increases multiple times when compared to class 10th syllabus, everyone goes through it and you can go through it as well. Just be determined and always say to yourself that yes you can , you can do it. And whenever you face any problem at studies , you should take help of your teachers , teachers are always the best mentor. Make a time table, Your time table should be such that it allows you to study, revise and practice each day. Allow for short breaks in this timetable. Your study plan should revolve around three aspects i.e learn, revise and practice .Difficult topics must be studied thoroughly and wisely. Break lengthy chapters into topics and sub-topics to make learning easy. Make comparative charts for two or more relatable topics, terms or processes. Create a list of important definitions, important formulas, important derivations in chemistry and physics and important diagrams in biology etc. and brush them up weekly. Prepare mind maps, flow charts and ray diagrams for memory based topics while studying the chapters. Set daily, weekly and monthly goals for yourself and try to accomplish them in the fixed time. You will definitely clear your class 11th with flying colours if you remain motivated and followed these tips.

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