338 Courses and Certifications

Online Languages Courses & Certifications

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Korean language video lectures for beginner


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Pronounce Russian Properly


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The Complete Italian Masterclass with Andrea


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Survival Chinese

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Arabic Simplified Stage 1

Arabic Simplified Stage 1 Course is an online programme on the Arabic language that is created and instructed by Arabic Simplified. The short course will facilitate the students to gain a deep understanding of the Arabic language in a simplified and lucid fashion. The curriculum will walk the participants through various aspects of the Arabic language including Arabic Writing Skills, Regular Letters, Irregular Letters, and many more.

The learners who look forward to enrolling in the   Arabic Simplified Stage 1 online Course are recommended to have the capacity to read the Quran and 15-30 minutes to dedicate per day for the revision of the vocabulary. The course material consists majorly of the textbooks of Madina Book 1,  Bayna Yadayk Book 1A, and many other books that help the students to learn and improve their skills and knowledge of Arabic. Arabic Simplified Stage 1 certification, offered by Udemy, also provides students with the training to converse easily in Arabic and engage in basic dialogues. Udemy will confer the participants with a certificate of completion along with a 30-day money-back guarantee and lifetime access to the study materials. The interested folk can join the course by paying the fee.

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Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Arabic language

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Arabic Language | The Complete Course (6 levels) + 4 Courses

Arabic Language | The Complete Course (6 levels) + 4 Courses is online training on the Arabic language created and tutored by Rafik Nasr, a Professional Arabic teacher, and multilingual translator. The course will help the learners to master the modern standard Arabic, or MSA in an easy way within 6 months dedicating 45 minutes per day. The programme trains the learners in a peculiar fashion named System Arabia solving all the language problems and issues through creating habits and providing opportunities for Interactions.

Arabic Language | The Complete Course (6 levels) + 4 Courses online certification, administered by Udemy, is open for anyone who is keen to learn Arabic and must have a mobile phone or any other device with a writing app. The programme consists of 5 different courses, namely,  the Lessons Course, the Exercises Course, the Sentence Assembly Course, the Revision Course, and the Grammar Course. Arabic Language | The Complete Course (6 levels) + 4 Courses certification facilitates the participants to practice the four skills of reading, listening, speaking, and writing of Arabic. The candidates will also be provided with a certificate of completion at the end. The learners who are interested in learning modern Arabic can opt for the programme by paying the fee.

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Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Arabic language


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