276 Courses and Certifications

Free Programming And Development Courses & Certifications

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Coding for Your Classroom K - 3

4 Weeks
Fundamentals of Quantum Information

Offered by

Delft University of Technology via Edx

Fundamentals of Quantum Information

4 Weeks
String Processing and Pattern Matching Algorithms

Offered by


String Processing and Pattern Matching Algorithms

4 Weeks

Coding for Your Classroom 4-10

4 Weeks
Fundamental Algorithms Design and Analysis

Offered by

Offered by

Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul via Coursera

The Fundamental of Data-Driven Investment

4 Weeks

Offered by

Erasmus University, Rotterdam via Coursera

Multilevel Modeling

4 Weeks
Scratch Coding Course for Kids

Offered by


Scratch Coding Course for Kids

4 Weeks
Online Python Programming

Offered by


Online Python Programming Course

4 Weeks
Introduction to R Programming and Tidyverse

Offered by


Introduction to R Programming and Tidyverse

4 Weeks
Learn to Program in Java

Offered by


Learn to Program in Java

4 Weeks
Introduction to C++

Offered by


Introduction to C++

4 Weeks

Offered by

Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia via Edx
Build a Modern Computer from First Principles Nand to Tetris Part II

Offered by

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem via Coursera

Build A Modern Computer From First Principles: Nand To Tetris Part II (project centered course)

The project-centered 100% online course offered by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem helps you transform and build a modern software hierarchy which is purposely designed to help you in translation and execution of object-based high-level languages on a bare-bone computer platform which will in the process bring deep gain towards hands-on understanding in the applied computer, science, vector graphics and towards all other topics that fall under the core of every modern computer systems.

The course can be completed within 6 weeks but it’s dependent upon you till when you complete it at your own pace.

The course also comes up with a textbook “The Elements of Computing Systems” which covers all the course topics. The book is currently offering a 30% discount on the cover price provided by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press).

They will also freely supply all the required software materials and tools which are necessary for completing the course.

The project centred courses have six modules with each having a series of lectures which will take about 2-3hours of yours to attend an additional 15 hours to complete each of the six projects. 

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3 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Programming skills Machine learning

Computers, Waves, Simulations: A Practical Introduction to Numerical Methods using Python

The Computers, Waves, Simulations: A Practical Introduction to Numerical Methods using Python certification course provides candidates with a basic introduction to various numerical methods. They will learn methods like the finite-difference method, the pseudo-spectral method, and the linear and spectral element method. It also teaches them how to apply these methods to the 1D/2D scalar wave equation. 

Candidates will see how mathematical equations are transformed into computer code and how the results are visualised in a unique setup. The Computers, Waves, Simulations: A Practical Introduction to Numerical Methods using Python online course illustrates the fundamental mathematical ingredients of numerical methods (such as differentiation, function interpolation, numerical integration, Taylor series, and more) and how they compare. 

Candidates will also receive strategies to ensure their solutions are correct with benchmarking with analytical solutions or convergence tests. Furthermore, the mathematical aspects of the Computers, Waves, Simulations: A Practical Introduction to Numerical Methods using Python training programme are complemented by an introduction to essential wave physics, meshes, discretization, computing models, and parallel programming.

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3 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Python
Programming Languages Part C

Offered by


Programming Languages, Part C

Coursera provides an array of courses in diverse fields. These courses include E-learning videos, projects, community forums, peer reviews, and practice exercises. This course is being offered by the University of Washington on Coursera. 

The framework of the Programming Languages, Part C course by Coursera has been designed to give the learners exposure to the basic concepts of programming languages. This course strongly focuses on functional programming as it is important for learning how to write robust, elegant, composable and reusable programmes.

The course offers a blended curriculum which trains the participants in using language constructs effectively and designing correct and elegant programs. The coursework utilizes the languages Ruby, Racket, and ML as vehicles for teaching the concepts which will make the participants more efficient in programming in any language and learning the new ones at the same time. This course, Part C is a part of a 3- part course. The instructor for this course is Dan Grossman, a professor at the University of Washington who has been teaching programming languages at the University since 2003. He holds the J. Ray Bowen Professorship For Innovation In Engineering Education.

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3 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Programming skills

Scratch to Python: Moving from Block- to Text-based Programming

Scratch to Python: Moving from Block- to Text-based Programming certification is a one-month course designed by Raspberry Pi Foundation, National Centre for Computing Education, and is certified by FutureLearn. The main aim of this course is to help learners make a transition from block to text-based programming. The online course will teach transfer the programming and thinking skills of Scratch language to Python. a text-based programming language.

The Scratch to Python: Moving from Block- to Text-based Programming certification syllabus will cover fundamental topics like text-based programming skills, understanding error messages and debugging the code. The course will explain the real power of text-based programming and provide the learner with the desired tools to support their transition. The most interesting part of this course is that this will guide the participants on the different approaches that will enable them to enhance the coding with kids.

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3 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Python
Python Basics for Data Science

Offered by

IBM via Edx

Python Basics for Data Science

Python programming and data science are highly valuable and in-demand skills. Top companies use Data Science and analysis to interpret data and make critical business decisions. Python Basics for Data Science by edX will delve into data science using Python. As this is a beginner-level course, you will learn about Python language from scratch and do not have to be a programmer.

The Python Basics for Data Science certification is a free programme that falls under the Data Analysis and Statistics category and will run for five weeks. It will enable you to learn at your own schedule and pace through video content. By the end of the training course, you will be adept at using Python language to create data science projects and be ready to collaborate with Data scientists. 

Enrol in the edX Python Basics for Data Science programme and gain basic knowledge of machine learning, programming, and data visualisation. You can also earn a sharable verified course certificate after completing the course if you took the course in the verified track by paying the fee. In the free track, you can audit the programme for a limited duration. 

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3 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Data science knowledge Knowledge of Python
Approximation Algorithms

Offered by


Approximation Algorithms

Traditional algorithmic tools are often inefficient for solving various real-world algorithmic problems. For example, many such problems are NP-hard; hence, these tools can’t solve them correctly. Thus, the Approximation Algorithms certification course will make you fluent with the critical algorithmic techniques and concepts that can deal with these challenges efficiently. You can employ such techniques instead of the optimal solution; you need an approximation close to this optimal solution. 

Curated by EIT Digital, the Approximation Algorithms certification syllabus offers 100% online lessons and covers vital topics to make you an expert.  These include PTAS, knapsack problems, vertex-cover problems, linear programming, load balancing, scheduling algorithms, and numerous other learnings. By covering these, you’ll become adept in finding the required approximations of a problem’s optimal solutions for solving it efficiently. 

The Approximation Algorithms online course features a renowned instructor, Professor Dr Mark de Berg. It also provides self-directed deadlines to help you learn comfortably, along with English subtitles for the programme videos. Moreover, you can also purchase the training completion certificate to access the valuable accreditation and graded assessments.

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3 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of Algorithms
Web of Data

Offered by


Web of Data

Web of Data by Coursera is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) curated as a joint initiative by Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Université Côte d'Azur, INRIA and EIT Digital. It is an intermediate level course that requires a basic knowledge of web languages and running and installing software. 

During the Web of Data online course, you will learn the principles, standards and languages to exchange data on the web and develop new applications. The course curriculum has been divided into four sections covering the technical and core skills needed to master the web. Each week you will learn through a combination of short videos, quizzes, forums, and supplementary learning resources. 

After finishing the Web of Data certification, you will have skills and knowledge in data mining, data analysis, machine learning, AI processing, and data management. It will take approximately 18 hours to complete the entire online programme.

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3 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Web application development skills
Automated Reasoning Satisfiability

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Automated Reasoning: Satisfiability

If you want to learn the applications for satisfiability tools, Automated Reasoning: satisfiability course is perfect for you. The programme uses several examples to give you a glimpse into the various scenarios where satisfiability can be applied. These examples include program correctness, scheduling problems, puzzle-solving and fitting rectangles used for printing posters. 

Besides this, Automated Reasoning: satisfiability training also offers the underlying theory of using the resolution as a primary approach to propositional satisfiability, applying simplex methods for solving linear inequalities and using the CDCL framework for scaling up big formulas. You will learn these concepts through a series of video lessons, reading material, practise assignments and graded assignments. However, the course encourages you to use the knowledge you receive and apply SAT/SMT to several other problems, such as the problems presented in the honour’s assignment.

Automated Reasoning: satisfiability certification is an online course that takes about 25 hours to complete. It is an intermediate course taught by Hans Zantema and is offered by EIT Digital. You can either join the course for free or take the Coursera membership and secure a certificate of completion.

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3 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Knowledge of computer application
Julia Scientific Programming

Offered by


Julia Scientific Programming

Julia Scientific Programming is designed for the beginner-level learners to make a detailed understanding of Julia which is the high-performance programming language developed exclusively for scientific computing, physics, chemistry, astronomy, bioinformatics, engineering, data science, etc.  Julia Scientific Programming Certification Syllabus, prepared and instructed by Juan H Klopper and Henri Laurie, will shed light on various aspects of Julia such as command line, variables, functions,  program files, and the like. 

Julia Scientific Programming Certification Course, available on Coursera, is offered by the University of Cape Town and includes on-screen demonstrations, video lectures, quizzes, practical peer-reviewed projects, etc. Julia Scientific Programming Certification by Coursera is structured in a flexible fashion that enables the learners to learn at their own pace and decide the deadline as per their schedule. 

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3 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Programming skills

Introduction to Web Development

Web development, also known as website development, is the process of designing, constructing, and maintaining websites and web applications that run in a web browser. Web developers, or 'devs,' accomplish this by utilizing numerous coding languages. The languages they employ depend on the tasks users are performing and the platforms they are working on. The introduction to Web Development certification course is developed by the Raspberry Pi foundation and led by Matt Hogan, which is made available by FutureLearn.

Introduction to Web Development online training comprises 3 weeks of learning resources with a weekly study of 2 hours which focuses on providing participants a detailed understanding of the fundamentals of web development, the box model, which explains how browsers organize websites, and the document object model, with which the JavaScript code will interact to dynamically alter the web pages and more.

Introduction to Web Development online syllabus covers topics such as HTML tags, attributes, and styling web pages using CSS. The aspirant will get an understanding of developing layouts in CSS, including the box model and responsive design and using JavaScript to make interactive web pages, and document object model validation.

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3 Weeks
Skills Covered:
Web application development skills Java Programming skills Knowledge of CSS

CS50's Introduction to Programming with Scratch

3 Weeks

Start a CoderDojo Club

3 Weeks

Programming with GUIs

3 Weeks


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